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Their mbti

Naya April 16, 2017 11:00 am

I didn't saw the 25.5

MBTI AND ENNEAGRAM ugh, I'm such a trash for mbti and now that I know their mbti, well guys you see
Jaeha is a Thinker while eunho is Feeler so I guess I could related to jaeha as we're thinker, that it takes more time for us to analyze our feeling because we works with logic more. I may be more difficult to understand and understood others since im dom TI and inferior Fe while hyung has aux Te and tertiary Fi

So as we can see, he would be always like that. Hard to express his feeling due to his introvert feeling (Fi) to put it simply, he's thinking out loud while feeling quietly

While I'm no expert, I just need to give my insight so some people would be more understanding with hyung and patient with his growth and character development

    AoiTori April 16, 2017 7:24 pm

    I'm sorry! I accidentally down-voted.