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Uh.... April 17, 2017 1:43 pm

I dont understand anything lol

    bpositive April 17, 2017 1:55 pm

    The blond guy is the lead he is half elf or some royalty lineage with the power to control wind but the pure blood elf is trying to get rid of him cause he is a bastard and a half breed, his human side is a clan of oracles that sees visions. When he was young his village got raided and he was taken as a prisoners by the elves when the winged creatures invaded the place he was being held in he was rescued by the winged guy who is holding him princess style in the last updates last page who fell for him but the general took him for his own and became his lover slave which he accepted cause he was at least safe then a revenge plot happened and he ended up being picked up by the merchant in the desert only to be revealed that the merchant was being paid to get him to freedom and then to be Continued

    Anonymous April 17, 2017 5:39 pm
    The blond guy is the lead he is half elf or some royalty lineage with the power to control wind but the pure blood elf is trying to get rid of him cause he is a bastard and a half breed, his human side is a cla... bpositive

    Don't forget the curse: the pure-blooded elf prince also wants to kill the blond lead, Taavi, because Taavi's human aunt, who was from the oracle clan, told him of a vision she had that someone of her blood would bring his destruction. So this elf prince wants to kill Taavi because he's only person of her bloodline that is still alive. April 17, 2017 7:20 pm

    Thanks alot i now know wtf i was reading

    Dinah April 18, 2017 2:36 am
    Don't forget the curse: the pure-blooded elf prince also wants to kill the blond lead, Taavi, because Taavi's human aunt, who was from the oracle clan, told him of a vision she had that someone of her blood wou... @Anonymous

    Tq for explaining ,( ̄∇ ̄") i feel like half dead whn reading this manhua