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It's with comedic bursts, but it gets dark and serious... Full of twisted stories/people. ...

Anonymous April 18, 2017 6:08 pm

It's with comedic bursts, but it gets dark and serious...
Full of twisted stories/people. The main character is the most twisted yet, but then again the only one I'm majorly interested in is Shii... Love her personality. (Don't get me wrong, I still look at the entirety of the story)
It hurt my heart several times, but what hurts the most aside from this and my grade anticipations for tomorrow has to be the lack of updates. Last updated on2014!!! Is there still hope?! I'd like to believe so!!! Can't I please hope for the end, closure, at least? I know we won't necessarily get a happy ending, but... I can't drop this! Might hate it if it was a BAD ending, but... I've come to love it, despite its twistedness!!! (Yeap, this hopeless girl is still hoping for a happy ending.)
