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Okay I know that this is weird and a bit late but did anyone else cried when they watched...

Coco_CoVerra April 19, 2017 11:50 am

Okay I know that this is weird and a bit late but did anyone else cried when they watched the last episode of naruto shippuden? Cause I sure as hell did, Im so proud of every individual characters and I am so so happy for Naruto and Hinata. Ive grown up watching Naruto so watching it end (I know that Borutos out and that naruto somewhat hasnt ended) makes feel sad but also very very happy.

    Pi April 19, 2017 12:02 pm

    It was too emotional.

    takame April 19, 2017 2:17 pm

    the ending is great. what i'm interested now is his naruto's life living his dream. it's may not be a perfect realization but that made it real and matured.
    it's been a decade and even if jiraiya's death (he's my fave) almost made me quit, i'm glad to finish the story to witness the characters i've learned to love grow up with me. also how art-wise it improved all the more when i'm already impressed by the background.

    Anonymous April 19, 2017 2:38 pm
    the ending is great. what i'm interested now is his naruto's life living his dream. it's may not be a perfect realization but that made it real and matured. it's been a decade and even if jiraiya's death (he's ... takame

    Just like ace sorry to interrupt but I know that feel I couldn't go on when I saw ace died still could'nt but I will continue some day hah that was too much for me take. ╥﹏╥

    takame April 19, 2017 2:51 pm
    Just like ace sorry to interrupt but I know that feel I couldn't go on when I saw ace died still could'nt but I will continue some day hah that was too much for me take. ╥﹏╥ @Anonymous

    woperfjlakmdsgakm fuck that. one of the most heartbreaking character deaths. i literally quit reading one piece because of ace. i don't have plans on going back too.

    takame April 19, 2017 2:53 pm

    naruto is my favourite character in the series so i still stick around for him and even if it's hard, i want to see how he's going to recover losing his godfather that is like a real grandpa to him. my naruto reading got threatened once more with kakashi and kishimoto-sensei made a good choice of keeping him alive haha.

    Coco_CoVerra April 19, 2017 3:50 pm
    naruto is my favourite character in the series so i still stick around for him and even if it's hard, i want to see how he's going to recover losing his godfather that is like a real grandpa to him. my naruto r... takame

    I agree! I feel Ive cried more while watching/reading Naruto than I ever did in real life tbh ╥﹏╥ I cried when Asuma died, cried when Jiraiya died, cried when when Naruto's father/mother died (literally bawled my eyes out in that episode(s)) especially when his mother was like "Dont be picky with food, make lots and lots of friends" and when she said "I love you so much!" Just thinking about it makes me teary ┗( T﹏T )┛and when Kakashi died omfg I almost gave up watching Naruto at that point but then he came back to life and farrrkkk Ive never felt so relieved in my whole entire life..... so overall Naruto made me ride the biggest emotional roller coaster ever not even joking (● ̄(エ) ̄●) but I dont regret it cause its the best anime ever created (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    takame April 19, 2017 3:59 pm
    I agree! I feel Ive cried more while watching/reading Naruto than I ever did in real life tbh ╥﹏╥ I cried when Asuma died, cried when Jiraiya died, cried when when Naruto's father/mother died (literally ... Coco_CoVerra

    OH! that one with his parents! it's so touching. when i watched the menma movie, i immediately reread that part in manga. not only that, it made me sought more minatoxkushina moments i even had to scour the web for fanfics/doujins haha.