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chapter 127

OtakuuPlayer April 19, 2017 4:09 pm

For anyone who want to read the next chap in english it's in an instagram account called @kuroshitsuji.updates

really i cant believe what's happening and really having a mental breakdown after reading this chapter.... yana-sensei how could you.. ╥﹏╥

    Stormborn April 19, 2017 6:06 pm

    I just read what's going to happen in the comment section below a completely different manga, and now I am SO DAMN pissed and sad. That kind of ruins a bit for me, since they were next to Ciel & Sebastian my fav. and I really hoped for a Spin-Off! Why do something like that :((( It just ruins something good.

    OtakuuPlayer April 20, 2017 5:23 am
    I just read what's going to happen in the comment section below a completely different manga, and now I am SO DAMN pissed and sad. That kind of ruins a bit for me, since they were next to Ciel & Sebastian ... Stormborn

    Me too.... god i feel really empty right now...
    she cant just take Agni away from us. how could she!?
    this is just too cruel... ╥﹏╥