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Don't want to be bad, but... After all, "It didn't work out too well for me and huma...

Anonymous April 21, 2017 1:18 pm

Don't want to be bad, but...

After all, "It didn't work out too well for me and human, so I'll stay with the witch instead." Is how I see it. If he ended up with the human, would he have thought of the witch at all afterward

    Too Bad..tsk tsk tsk December 14, 2017 9:18 am

    I Dont think so...i feel like.. the lion was lonely he thought maybe hes inluv wth d human because of the affection she shown but its just gratituted from d human nothng rlse hes ol alone and never exprienc love himself so he tot d human was d can take her lonelynes seen d witch isnt like him not lonely any more on their conversation...he nver realize wat he have after it was gone dat its only attachemnt he felt coz hes lonely... d one he truly luvs n been der for him was d witch... blinded by lonelyness he nvr seen love is ryt in front of him...
    Dats only my opinion hehehe (=・ω・=)