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Baby_blu April 23, 2017 9:21 am

does Kurose know about the head pat thing???? seriously did they ever even talk about that????? Did I miss something???? Isnt/ Shouldnt that be a major plot detail????

    senpaiesdeath April 23, 2017 12:25 pm

    im not 100% certain, but earlier in the series, shirotani wuld get really upset if Kurose tried to touch his head

    Absurd April 23, 2017 7:34 pm

    Plus, Shirotani's dad used to pet his head a lot.

    rowaine April 23, 2017 9:06 pm

    It's how the whole thing started if I remember right. Shirotani's dad stated he could tell what Shirotani was thinking by touching his head - And after the incident with that girl who caught Shirotani touching himself while she was trying to have sex with Shirotani's father - Shirotani was afraid his father would see Shirotani's "Dirty" thoughts. There's an image early on showing Shirotani slapping his father's hand away from him saying something like "No! Don't touch. It's Dirty!"

    Baby_blu April 24, 2017 2:50 am

    I know why shirotani doesnt like his head pat, I was just wondering how Kurose knew? I remember at some point he swatted Kurose's hand away from touching his hair. Kurose maybe put it together with meeting that chick (i forget her name lol)....