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About Heeno and Aerak's story...

Nyrne April 24, 2017 1:20 am

I'm a bit desappointed... I think their story could be way more developed... And the last chapters with the cats ears for fan service pissed me off.
I find their relation so interesting ! Based on (more or less) fake feelings. I can't believe Heeno is honest (even with himself maybe). I don't think you can truly love someone just at first sight... And I think that he story didn't show enough events in their relation, to make their love credible...
Does Heeno really will continue to like Aerak even if this one becomes fat again? Won't Aerak suffer of avoiding some part of himself? Even if he choosed to take it now while he still can, how will he react if Heeno's rash love comes to end?? Ans his poor friend chili peppers! He can't stay like that! Drowning his sorrow into girls... Does Aerak will remain indifferent to his friend's distress? Or maybe will he meet a very nice girl who will allow him to forget Aerak...? But what if Aerak realize that he can't be his true self with Heeno?...
I want a longer spin off xD

    Akasia April 24, 2017 4:56 am

    Sameee but tbh I don't care anymore about them. I started to think that they're a matching couple. Fall for each other only by looks. Now I just hope chili peppers will find someone far better than Aerak.

    Nyrne April 24, 2017 10:17 am
    Sameee but tbh I don't care anymore about them. I started to think that they're a matching couple. Fall for each other only by looks. Now I just hope chili peppers will find someone far better than Aerak. Akasia

    I'll probably do the same... But it's too bad! Too sad! This comics made the other stories very interesting and quite original in their way... While this one particular (Heeno-Aerak) has also very interesting themes but it's used too simply and naively...

    It make me want to write a story with the same base, but which end sadly xD

    heh April 28, 2017 2:21 pm

    but I think Aerak's dream about answers these questions. Because what they dream if you narrow what it means to one word it would be the future. So in the end they've goten old (still together) Aerak gaining weight but Heeno doesn't mind and smiling happily with each other.

    Nyrne April 28, 2017 10:33 pm
    but I think Aerak's dream about answers these questions. Because what they dream if you narrow what it means to one word it would be the future. So in the end they've goten old (still together) Aerak gaining we... @heh

    Yeah I want to believe it, but I find that the story didn't show enough about these two and their evolution to make it credible. I mean, at first Heeno is a really a jerk, and he falls in love just for Aerak's physics... I don't think he would turn into a so nice person so easily. (but it's an very interesting evolution that deserve more development : How Heeno ends up to really love Aerak for what he is, and not what he looks like and the same for Aerak, who also founded his love only on Heeno's handsomeness)
    Moreover in the end it's just a dream, a desire. We can't tell if it really happens... :/

    Nanao May 10, 2017 8:32 am

    I agree. The last chapter was definitely fan service without context. Their relationship is shallow at its basest, a love for each other's looks more than anything, and I really want to witness how it develops here on out, when they're going to need to know each other's personalities too.

    Zeze January 14, 2019 7:36 am

    their spin off can rot in hell and so can their first meeting