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help ??? omg

oikawanal April 27, 2017 4:27 am

can someone pls explain the story line to me LOL I THINK I MISSED SOMETHING AND SO is volume 3 like before or after the whole situations that happened in volume 1 and 2 ??? I got confused because volume 3 just seemed like their entire relationship restarted ??? OR SOMETHING IDK I AM SO CONFUSED I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN MYSELF SOMEONE PLS HELP ME

    Frianche April 27, 2017 6:02 am

    Right??! I totally get it that vol 3 is one year before vol 1 and 2 . But what I don't get is in the latest chapter is it still flashback or what? Because I thought they first had intercourse when chunta raped takato..

    .....hehhehe.. . . April 27, 2017 6:37 am
    Right??! I totally get it that vol 3 is one year before vol 1 and 2 . But what I don't get is in the latest chapter is it still flashback or what? Because I thought they first had intercourse when chunta ra... Frianche <---------This is the flashbacks start.... When Junta and takato first meet..... In the end of chapter 4, when Takato woke up and see Junta, he remembered the time when he has a fever. He thought that it was a dream when someone whispered ''Can I still like you"...... Then Takato realize that the one who whispered at that time was Junta

    .....hehhehe.. . . April 27, 2017 6:42 am <---------This is the flashbacks start.... When Junta and takato first ... @.....hehhehe.. . .

    In vol.3 chapter 4, when Takato woke up is not a flashback anymore

    Frianche April 27, 2017 7:24 am

    Owhhh... Thanks!

    oikawanal April 27, 2017 7:52 pm

    OH !!! Omg thank u so much u guys are my life saviors ;A; HAHA