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the 2cm and mammoth parts were my fave parts so funny i got grounded for reading yaoi but ...

Kitty-Chan March 17, 2013 5:46 am

the 2cm and mammoth parts were my fave parts so funny i got grounded for reading yaoi but it was worth 3 weeks without a computer (i had my tablit!)

    SoulLura March 17, 2013 5:59 am

    Lolz got grounded by my dad to for two months. And wouldnt shut up about how disgusting I was until I brought his porn stash in the closet that was filled with lesbian porn. Found it looking for Christmas presents lolz.

    suga August 29, 2013 3:15 pm

    So SoulLura,your dad thinks he's a pervert, huh?What defines someone as a pervert, is his/her own oppinion of oneself or genuine deviation from the norm (e.g. sodomism, necrofilia). Like the shepherd who cries wolf, your dad grounded you, even though he should be grounded for being a hypocrite! Trust me... Reading yaoi does not make you a pervert,unless you consider yourself to be one!