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What should I show my 6 year old cousin for his first yaoi(≧∀≦)

Yaoiismylife April 28, 2017 10:25 pm

What should I show my 6 year old cousin for his first yaoi(≧∀≦)

    Crimson_Red April 29, 2017 1:43 am

    Are u serious?? Please dont!!! STOP!!!

    BeccastielDW April 29, 2017 1:53 am

    Did you mean 16 year old? Because I would say Super lovers or fall in love with me.
    Ps: if it's not a typo and you really meant 6 year old I would say he's too young for yaoi or any book or movie that speak about sex (gay or hetero). But you could show him some shounen ai (gay romance but no sex) if you really wanted to show him gay romance

    Anonymous April 29, 2017 2:05 am

    You really are Yaoiismylife and seems forcibly want to make the kid's life like yours. so unfortunate.

    takame April 29, 2017 6:48 am

    NO. use this instead it's very cute

    moan April 29, 2017 6:54 am

    I recommend something more fluffy/cute, and appropriate for a kid to read - those that are non-BL, obviously.

    StellarLuminous April 29, 2017 8:51 am
    bruh wtf? smh. im literally speechless rn.. to say the least.. you think his parents would approve of that? and if i were his mom id get him the fuck away from you, honestly. @smfh

    lol same It's not too bad if the kid was already a teenager but a 6 years old? HELL NO!

    StellarLuminous April 29, 2017 8:53 am
    Please dont!!!! wait until he/she is old enough or you may have something to do with his future preference if is a boy Nanami

    Dude, your replying to the wrong person