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Uselessfujoshi April 29, 2017 6:39 pm

I just hate Shizuka in this series.

I mean Shu works really hard for their relationship, and Shizuka just don't care amd not even try to put some effort for their relationship.

I kept thinking "If i were you i'd bring Botan and break up with this kind of guy" while reading this series.

It's very rare for me to hate or dislike a character, and sorry, this one... i can't stand it~ ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Deathscythe May 9, 2017 5:19 pm

    Agreed.... I was seriously planning to throw my phone at the wall in frustration! Non exagerated. His attitude annoyed me. Isnt he suppose to at least keep his lovers mind at peace if there are doubts forming. Most especially if said lover is having enough stress with work. He seriously pissed me off. (︶︿︶)=凸Though at least he never failed to show through his actions to Ryujin that he will never look at him that way.

    BrightSide July 13, 2017 7:07 am

    Shu needs to learn not to jump to conclusions and trust in Shizuka's love for him. Imagine your bf/gf constantly questioning your love for them whenever you're near someone. It's stupid and immature. Shizuka didn't do anything out of maliciousness. It's to let Shu know that he was the only one and he shouldn't have accused or worry. -.-

    luomingming August 21, 2017 2:24 am

    Well for one Botan loves Shizuka so taking him away would just negatively impact him, especially as a child. Shizuka shows love in a different way he's not going to baby Shu. Shu just needed to grow and realize Shizuka is going to be there through thick and thin. in the end their relationship definitely benefited through the hard times.

    Zetsuru September 15, 2017 8:24 am
    Shu needs to learn not to jump to conclusions and trust in Shizuka's love for him. Imagine your bf/gf constantly questioning your love for them whenever you're near someone. It's stupid and immature. Shizuka di... BrightSide

    The only reason why shu has to keep questioning Shizuka is because he treats everything with such a flippant attitude. It's mentally abusive to always be kept in a state of anxiety by your partner. And when it's on purpose too, it's even worse. Shizuka treats everything like a fucking joke and I'm sure you wouldn't like feeling jerked around would you ?

    Jesss March 3, 2018 12:36 am
    Shu needs to learn not to jump to conclusions and trust in Shizuka's love for him. Imagine your bf/gf constantly questioning your love for them whenever you're near someone. It's stupid and immature. Shizuka di... BrightSide

    so if your partner went to work and live with someone that you KNEW had feelings for your partner. you would have blind trust in your partner?