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holymangobatman May 1, 2017 6:54 am

yesterday, i went out for a drink with my coworker/sex friend and we went back to his place and had sex... lemme tell you, wow, lube makes a lot of things possible, guys... we were going pretty hard and at one point he accidentally stuck it up my butt -- it went in a good ways but holy shit did it hurt. i dont think I'll ever wanna do anal and it gives me a new perspective when reading yaoi LMAO does any one else have any experience with it or any stories you wanna share??

    heyyy May 1, 2017 7:20 am

    Well at least in some yaois the ukes are prepared before they receive the dick; I imagine you weren't prepared to take it from behind. Also they have a prostate that makes it more pleasurable for them.

    holymangobatman May 1, 2017 7:30 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Haruhi4ever

    i think the end of your comment got cut off but yeah, apparently it can happen!! it hurt but I wouldnt be scared about it. It's the first time it's happened to me so I dont think its frequent...

    holymangobatman May 1, 2017 7:31 am
    Well at least in some yaois the ukes are prepared before they receive the dick; I imagine you weren't prepared to take it from behind. Also they have a prostate that makes it more pleasurable for them. @heyyy

    YEAH I really wasnt at all and since I dont have a prostate I dont think it's something I would wanna do unless my partner really wants to try, I guess LOL

    ᒥ 틀림 ᒧ May 1, 2017 9:00 am

    HAHAHHAHA I HAD THE SAME EXPERIENCE BEFORE HAHHAHA. And yeah, it does hurt af (it feels like there's poop but it won't come out HAHAHAHA). One time my mum asked me about being pregnant and stuff like that and I answered yes (jokingly). She took it seriously though AHAHAHAH. We went to the hospital and my mum told me that I'm going to take an ultrasound test (legit scared the shit out of me HAHAHAHAH). Instead of the usual method they do for pregnant women (since I'm def. not pregnant), they stick something into my butt (and its fucking long. killme). In the end, my mum was relieved but I'm not (after this experience, it made me take note NOT to do it anal if I ever get the chance to [probably after 50 - 60 years cause I'm a sad loner HAHAHAH]

    jaime May 1, 2017 11:53 am

    Yeah, I wanted to try it once so my bf at the time put it in... in like .01 second I seem to have teleported myself to the bathroom cause I was sure I was going to poo and puke at the same time because it hurt so much. I dont know if I would try it again or not, if I did I would better prepare myself.

    sunny May 1, 2017 12:05 pm

    Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years now and one time he wanted to try it, he's never really wanted to try it so I thought why not since we've done mostly everything except anal and since I read yaoi I was really curious. It may have been the worse thing I have ever decided to do cause booiiiii did it hurt, even tho we didnt really prepare much for it (like lube and those stuff) besides the pain it's true that is does feel soooo weird, I thought I was shitting myself the whole time. We only did it a couple of times, lawd. Surprisingly, it really does make you shiver for some reason. I dont think i'll every wanna do it again tho, and thankfully my boyfriend thinks it isn't his thing as well.