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I remember when I started reading this years ago and loving it. I'm glad someone is still ...

Anonymous May 2, 2017 3:51 am

I remember when I started reading this years ago and loving it. I'm glad someone is still working on it!! Now to reread so I can know what in the world is going on!!

    Anony May 2, 2017 4:01 am

    Really? The last update was 2016 in January. Wouldn't that mean this was dropped since a year has pass and no update.

    Amazingly anonymous June 5, 2017 6:02 pm
    Really? The last update was 2016 in January. Wouldn't that mean this was dropped since a year has pass and no update. @Anony

    the group exists of students I believe so they only work when they have free time (during breaks). I think this summer they should have time to work on this manga again :)