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It's good BUT

vanillafujoshi May 2, 2017 7:32 pm

This manga is good but I just can't accept how the assistant editor managed to get away that easily without receiving any punishment for attempted murder and rape! That kinda frustrate me but I enjoyed this manga.

    Mameiha July 30, 2017 3:23 am

    From what I have been told by others, male on male rape is not treated sincerely, let alone kindly, in Japan. Friends have said that it is often treated as a "lovers quarrel" and considering homosexuality is frowned upon there, the treatment then, is not kind. That is IF it is reported at all. Pride, for men in Japan, is a huge deal and many are too ashamed to admit it if it did happen. All of which, to me, is heartbreaking. If a government expects it's citizens to support it, it should be willing to protect ALL of it's citizen, not just the hetero ones.

    Mixtress Bathory August 11, 2017 5:07 pm

    it's japan. japan has the lowest rape statistics because women don't dare to report it for obvious reasons, when you look at how they handle it and japan's history. in reality they are one of the highest in asia/wolrdwide. male to male is not even considered rape. yep japanese law don't punish it. their justice system think men can't rape other men. japan has this mentality: when something happens to you, it's your fault, no matter what, and even if its not your fault you must take responsibility. most manga fans fail to learn and understand japan's history. they were literally cut off from the rest of the world for hundred and hundred of years. forcing someone into sex was normal and considered men were being men. losing control was accepted. and sadly it hasn't changed much. anything that gives men sexual pleasure is accepted, overlooked. japanese society learned that forcing people into sex was a hideous crime after the meiji restoration. less than 170 years ago.

    Mixtress Bathory August 11, 2017 5:15 pm
    From what I have been told by others, male on male rape is not treated sincerely, let alone kindly, in Japan. Friends have said that it is often treated as a "lovers quarrel" and considering homosexuality is fr... Mameiha

    japanese law don't recognize male to male rape. and they don't care about the heteros either. only when women has an important position in their society, a worthy woman. if she is married they can proceed for the sake of her husband, and if she is single they can proceed for the sake of her future husband.