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Omg wtf?!? This is so well done that theres even small details!!

elliemangago May 3, 2017 11:11 am

Holy shit!! I just reread it AGAIN and my brain managed to pick some small details in the manga that practically leads to the uke's AND reader's minds to just go insane!! Like legit when i noticed it I was like "DAMM!" I dont know if youve noticed it already but i just want to share it so that im not the only one with the mouth and eyes wide open.


1.) the fucking uke ate the meal WITH CUM
There was this scene when the seme gave food to the uke to eat, on the condition that the uke blows him, BUT THEN when the seme came from the blowjob HE POURED HIS FUCKING CUM LIKE FUCKING SAUCE ONTU THE MEAL OF THE UKE(this is the part where all of us,including the uke is just "well fucking damm!(⊙…⊙ )") then he liked pushed the uke's head into the meal then the next few panels it didnt really show if the uke ate it, it just zoomed in to the seme's grinning face (this is the twisted AND messed up part aka the harada part) BUT THERE WAS A SFX OF "CHEWING" MEANING THE FUCKING UKE CONTINUED TO FUCKING EAT THE FUCKING MEAL WITH THE FUCKING CUM!!" Σ(っ°Д °;)っ(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ I was so suprised when i noticed this lol

2.) the uke said something was pretty WHILE BEING BLINDFOLDED
There was this part where they were doing it beside the window and the uke was blindfolded,then when they finished(or stopped or took a break idk) the seme looked outside the window and something along the lines that the "moon was pretty" then the uke said "yeah" TAKE NOTE HE WAS STILL FUCKING BLINDFOLDED WHEN HE SAID "YEAH"(FFF!! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ(╯°Д °)╯╧╧) this just shows the level of the uke's sanity already.. WHICH IS PRACTICALLY RIGHT BESIDE TO "NON-EXISTENT"

You can see the SFX of the uke's chewing sounds in page: P.51
And the uke said the moon was pretty while being blindfolded in page: P. 63
Go check them out yourself(sorry its not links im on mobile lol)

Im sure most of you already noticed it and just found my post annoying(≧∀≦) but I thought it was just worth sharing just in case some missed it hehe,thanks for reading this long ass unnecessary post!ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Anonymous May 6, 2017 9:02 pm

    These were made to be really obvious (whole page dedicated to the food/moon scenes).

    elliemangago May 7, 2017 4:18 am
    These were made to be really obvious (whole page dedicated to the food/moon scenes). @Anonymous

    Yeah though the sfx scene of him munching was really small or the ukes bubble of the "yeah" was also quite small which made me miss it the first time i read it... Anyways i knew someone was gonna say it was really obvious lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Eva Mark 06 May 15, 2017 9:15 am

    You know I just learnt what he mean with "the moon is so beautiful tonight". One of my Japanese friends told me that in the ancient time that was the way the told "i love you" to their lovers. It's pretty strange but, if you think about it, it makes sense