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Wait what? Quick question..

elliemangago May 4, 2017 9:40 am

Wait so did the seme ever stop cheating on the uke?? Even after they became officialy together?? But both of them (aswell as the uke) are quite controlling so why would they allow that?? Or am i being an idiot and the seme stopped having sex with other guys when they got together?...

    coldcrimson May 19, 2017 2:26 pm

    The seme had sex with other guys when the uke was making excuses of having sex with him. But once the uke agreed, he stopped having sex with others, after all they are just substitutes for the uke.

    Stormborn May 28, 2017 6:56 pm

    I just realized that too!! No idea why I didn't already! He was cheating all that time o.O ok 2,5 years is a very long time, but still!! Talk to him, but don't use someone as a substitue! Tzzz....