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lilmsotaku23 May 4, 2017 4:07 pm

Tsukasa isn't a virgin anymore right?

I'm a little heartbroken if he really isn't especially that Riku is his first love
(I'm a sucker for first love and first time couples lol)... and yes I do understand that Tsukasa has animal instincts + Mate season in a school full of animal people + he's very popular... but still.... (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Honestly at first I thought Riku is the Seme hahaha

    Spazcat May 6, 2017 4:47 am

    It's probably more than that. First, Tsukasa was already abandoned by his birth family before meeting Riku, and ripped away from his adopted family just when he was beginning to feel secure. I'm sure he also saw plenty of classmates who ended up being forgotten by human childhood friends. It's understandable if he had doubts and sought comfort in such a time.

    Second, Tsukasa indicated that it would be easy for him to lose control and accidentally hurt Riku during sex. This is presumably after he's already sexually experienced. While many people admire the idea of saving themselves for their one true love, making sure you know enough that your love enjoys it is good too, especially if it prevents accidentally killing said lover.

    Mameiha April 12, 2018 2:19 am
    It's probably more than that. First, Tsukasa was already abandoned by his birth family before meeting Riku, and ripped away from his adopted family just when he was beginning to feel secure. I'm sure he also ... Spazcat

    Well said! A person's virginity can be taken by anyone, a rapist, a lover, a sex friend, but a person's heart is another matter entirely. No one can take that unless the person gives it. I was raped at 15 and I was a virgin at the time. I beat myself up over losing my virginity for years until I met an incredible therapist who taught me this lesson. I'll forever be thankful to her for that.

    Himeowchama December 14, 2018 4:14 pm

    Same sighhh like idkkk man sksjdksks