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ok. i've seen several posts about min gyeom and how he should have done something to avoid...

pandaaAAAHH May 5, 2017 4:03 pm

ok. i've seen several posts about min gyeom and how he should have done something to avoid the situation better. like???? he was only doing a favor for his upperclassmen. according to u guys? his fault. he didn't change before drinking because he didn't foresee being sexually harassed. his fault. he didn't retaliate the harassment because he was scared it would have escalated into something worse. his fault. that's what y'all sound like. how shitty do u have to be to blame min gyeom for being the victim of the actions of other shitty people? if any of u believe solving sexual harassment is as easy as changing clothing or ignoring them, then u need to immediately go to google (it's free omg) and educate yourselves.

    reirei May 5, 2017 4:20 pm

    well... it's not about it his fault that he didn't foresee rhat he'll be sexually harassed for his clothing. the thing is, if ur already uncomfortable about it on the first place what should have been a normal course of action then?? yea he did the dance, the dress up as a favor for the seniors but all throught out even before that he was already uncomfortable about it but still did so as a 'favor'... but if the favor is alreesdy wouldn't u do what to do to avoid the thing that's already making u uncomfortable??? and who the heck is saying that he is afraid that he is scared to stand up against his sunbae bcoz it might escalate to something worse? what i mean in my post as one of those shitty op ur saying is that I don't care if it gets worse. I'll step my foot forward if i am being wronged or disrespected. 'it's u, not min gyeom` well, duh, that's exactly why I am saying I can't feel for him bcoz he doesn't make sense to me.

    reirei May 5, 2017 4:21 pm
    well... it's not about it his fault that he didn't foresee rhat he'll be sexually harassed for his clothing. the thing is, if ur already uncomfortable about it on the first place what should have been a normal ... reirei

    if the favor is already over*

    pandaaAAAHH May 5, 2017 5:42 pm
    well... it's not about it his fault that he didn't foresee rhat he'll be sexually harassed for his clothing. the thing is, if ur already uncomfortable about it on the first place what should have been a normal ... reirei

    if u thing i'm disrespecting u by calling out your ignorance, girl u have a lot to learn. life's gonna come after u much worse than i did lmao. listen. yes, he was already uncomfortable by the favor. he could have turned them down, but he didn't. it's not like he was dragged there against his will, not quoting or anything, nope. but anyway, he went with it. ok. fine. now he's in a situation he could have avoided. sure. i get it. he was sexually harassed bc he couldn't say no. fucking sue him. and idk i'm just throwing ideas out there but there's a reason min gyeom only imagined taking a stand for himself. in 58.10, he said, "i don't know what the atmosphere would have been like," in relation to him had he said something back at the party. if every person in the world could stand up for themselves, do u honestly think the answer will always be a simple and sweet apology? min gyeom knows this and he's a fucking fictional character.

    Nao Takumi May 5, 2017 6:35 pm
    if u thing i'm disrespecting u by calling out your ignorance, girl u have a lot to learn. life's gonna come after u much worse than i did lmao. listen. yes, he was already uncomfortable by the favor. he could h... pandaaAAAHH

    Ummm... His behaviour and lack of any straightforward action can be attributed to their society and how the characters have been developed keeping in mind their values. Outright declining or refuting your seniors, even if by a year is considered very bad and does cause unnecessary strain on someone's (in this case Min Gyeom) life influencing and besides, he just started his university life, it wouldn't do well to get on the wrong side of people who have a way of influencing your student drastically (Seniors help with research groups, clubs, getting acquainted with the correct staff members, tips and notes, etc.) And had Min Gyeom did what he wanted to do, the consequences would've been worse (depending on the form of backlash). Lastly, there is a reason why characters behave in a certain manner in any plot, that is to keep it going... Just saying...

    pandaaAAAHH May 5, 2017 7:14 pm
    Ummm... His behaviour and lack of any straightforward action can be attributed to their society and how the characters have been developed keeping in mind their values. Outright declining or refuting your senio... Nao Takumi

    right but idk why ur telling me this? i'm not the one who said he could have turned them down. i haven't said anything about his character, other than stating the facts that we read in the last chapter. like, u sort of just said the same thing i did wherein it's not his fault he ended up in the situation???

    Nao Takumi May 5, 2017 9:12 pm

    Sorry, it was for the other person, using it on mobile makes it hard for me to get the comments part right. Sorry once again.

    pandaaAAAHH May 5, 2017 9:34 pm
    Sorry, it was for the other person, using it on mobile makes it hard for me to get the comments part right. Sorry once again. Nao Takumi

    np sis, it's all good.

    maychan May 5, 2017 9:58 pm

    I "love" how people like to blame the victims of Sexual harassment, instead the ones who actually understand and attack the one's who did the harassment.
    that just show how people, even today still think that the victims are the one's at feult. even if it's not true at all!!
    and yeas, just cause he change his clothes, still don't give them the right to harass him!! they had no right to touch or to treat him like they did!
    so I agree with you on this one XD it sad that how people still think. it more easy for them to blame the victim for some reason.

    reirei May 5, 2017 10:07 pm
    if u thing i'm disrespecting u by calling out your ignorance, girl u have a lot to learn. life's gonna come after u much worse than i did lmao. listen. yes, he was already uncomfortable by the favor. he could h... pandaaAAAHH

    well if every person can stand up for themselves wouldn't it result to a less crime society? it sounds so idealistic but the thing i'm not saying the answer will be a simple and sweet apology... who the heck believes that. the thing is, if people can stand up for themselves, and put the wrond doers in their place then it will become a normative theory that lesser criminal offense could also happen.

    i didn't actually feel disrespected that u are actually implying of my ignorance... the thing is u said "shitty person". ignorance and shitty doesn't mean the same at all.

    anyway, i just hope that ur not actually thinking that things should happen to me to get ur point. hopefully ur not that kind of person. nit sure what made me think of that but it just did...

    reirei May 5, 2017 10:10 pm
    well if every person can stand up for themselves wouldn't it result to a less crime society? it sounds so idealistic but the thing i'm not saying the answer will be a simple and sweet apology... who the heck be... reirei

    ur not disrespecting my ignorance as u call it which i admit because i'm not perfectly genius.. what u said comes out as totally disrespecti my whole being.

    Lion May 5, 2017 10:14 pm

    Hmmn.... Before asking people to educate themselves you should educate yourself first because whether a person's opinion is wrong or right you shouldn't bellitle were offended but then you try to comeback it with more offense...people are so into making an enemy out of themselves by expressing their opinions without fully understanding its consequences....

    Lion May 5, 2017 10:25 pm

    Everyone here are just overwhelmed by how Min Gyeom decided not to do anything about that bastard someone who also called him MIN GAY i mean thats entirely rude and over the line right? Thats more than disrespectful so you can't stop having people frustrated about Min Gyeom's behaviour because the readers would want their MC to get better and stop allowing people take advantage of Him (Min Gyeom) and the readers themselves have learned when and how to stand up for themselves hence also hoped to see Min Gyeom doin that (but he didn't) :( .. Readers like to relate and connect themself with the character because its much more real in that way..
    I don't even thik Min Gyeom is a fictional character because no one can deny how in real life there are people like Min Gyeom

    pandaaAAAHH May 5, 2017 11:11 pm
    Hmmn.... Before asking people to educate themselves you should educate yourself first because whether a person's opinion is wrong or right you shouldn't bellitle were offended but then you try to com... @Lion

    really? u think it's someone's fault whether or not they allow themselves to be sexually harassed is an opinion? do not tell me to educated myself. ignorance and bigotry does NOT deserve the cover of self expression. i will call out and destroy ANYONE who questions bullying and sexual harassment. i don't care if it's fiction bc people's beliefs and values aren't. don't play with me.

    pandaaAAAHH May 5, 2017 11:20 pm
    Everyone here are just overwhelmed by how Min Gyeom decided not to do anything about that bastard someone who also called him MIN GAY i mean thats entirely rude and over the line right? Thats more than disrespe... @Lion

    um min gyeom is in fact fiction, and the things happening to him aren't real. i won't say his current situation doesn't reflect real life issues, because they do. but he does not exist, therefore he does not really hurt. and another thing, min gyeom was actually having lunch with the boy who called him min gay, so idk if that means something. listen, i'm not faulting the people who want min to have a perfect happy go lucky sprinkles with whipped cream and a cherry on top life, because ideally, that would be nice. but when people blame him for something he couldn't control, that's where i drew my fictional line.

    pandaaAAAHH May 5, 2017 11:55 pm
    ur not disrespecting my ignorance as u call it which i admit because i'm not perfectly genius.. what u said comes out as totally disrespecti my whole being. reirei

    if your whole being is as shitty as that opinion, i never wanna meet u. ignorance and shitty people don't define as the same thing, but more often than not they go hand in hand. but the great thing about those two things, is that they can be cured with a little education. can we talk about rape for a second? if everyone in the world could stand up for themselves without consequence, that would be the ideal society. but, please, just listen? could you imagine a woman living in africa or papua new guinea or india or afghanistan (in which rape is legal in the last two countries) standing up for themselves? do you think they will be applauded? perhaps. if they survive. there are even rituals in afghanistan in which make women, or anyone, who report rape charged with adultery, or even killed. in the usa, sexual violence, and rape in particular, is considered the most under reported violent crime. now before u go, oh, but this is south korea, and min is a man, and he wasn't even in danger of being raped, or in danger at all (which could be a matter of debate). that's not my point. bringing up rape is not my point. what i'm getting at is if rape, or domestic violence, or even just verbal bullying could be one of those consequences of standing up for yourself, you ask why people don't do it more? min was already being verbally harassed, and he hadn't said a word out loud about how he didn't like it. he was already experiencing one of those possible consequences without having done anything. he is timid, and full of anxiety and self doubt. could he have said something, even had he not been afraid of the outcome?

    pandaaAAAHH May 6, 2017 12:10 am
    I "love" how people like to blame the victims of Sexual harassment, instead the ones who actually understand and attack the one's who did the harassment. that just show how people, even today still think that t... maychan

    u go girl. and to answer your question, i once read a psychology article on the art of victim blaming. it went something along the lines of "holding victims responsible for their misfortune is partially a way to avoid admitting that something just as unthinkable could happen to you." how no one is safe. and the article is right, but it doesn't hold account to know victim blaming is a horrible and disgusting thing to do regardless.

    Lion May 6, 2017 1:51 am
    really? u think it's someone's fault whether or not they allow themselves to be sexually harassed is an opinion? do not tell me to educated myself. ignorance and bigotry does NOT deserve the cover of self expre... pandaaAAAHH

    You misunderstood what I've stated entirely hahahahahaha XD. First nowhere in my response says "it's someone's fault whether or not they allow themselves to be sexually harassed" or in other words there is nowhere I am playing the blame game but rather just stating the facts that have happened in the story, second If you don't want someone saying to you that you should educate yourself then DON'T ASK OR WHATEVER Other PEOPLE TO DO THE SAME THING IF YOU, Yourself don't even want do it, (What you do to people is how other people will treat you) Thirdly I don't even Question bullying and sexual Harassment?! (don't Just go Assume some unfounded Things!) and how am I even playing you? I don't have the right to do that to you nor I have no reason or motive to do that to you! ? Its your right to fight what you believe in but that doesn't mean what other's belief have to be the same thing as you because just like you they have their own rights on what they believed in. Another thing is that just as how Min Gyeom cannot control certain things You CAN'T also Control people into stopping them to blame Min Gyeom for his lackings because that is also out of your line! and the most important thing is that UNDERSTANDING is much deeper and important than KNOWLEDGE. You may know a lot of things but you don't even try understand hence misunderstood me.

    pandaaAAAHH May 6, 2017 2:36 am
    You misunderstood what I've stated entirely hahahahahaha XD. First nowhere in my response says "it's someone's fault whether or not they allow themselves to be sexually harassed" or in other words there is nowh... @Lion

    from what i understand, you were in fact implying that what the other person said about it being someone's fault they're sexually harassed is an opinion, not that it was yours. i pointed out that it's not an opinion, no where did i say it was your belief. and again, i wasn't talking about you. the person questioning bullying and harassment wasn't you, but the person you are trying, and failing, to defend. and idk what ur talking abt me tryna control these people? i never once tried. what i was doing was protecting min gyeom and any other person who's experienced sexual harassment and bullying by educating people into knowing that it's never the victim's fault. it's not control. it's basic human right and basic ethics. & uh idk if u just said it in the heat of the moment but you can't understand without knowledge lol. knowledge and understanding are synonyms.

    o(^▽^)o May 6, 2017 1:59 pm

    Yeeesss. I agree with you all the way on this.
    The people who sexually harassed him are at fault. No matter the gender it's still sexual harassment.
    Glad someone pointed this out :)

    Jammies May 8, 2017 8:35 am
    if your whole being is as shitty as that opinion, i never wanna meet u. ignorance and shitty people don't define as the same thing, but more often than not they go hand in hand. but the great thing about those ... pandaaAAAHH

    Hey girrl I agree with your opinions on victim blaming and all. But BITCH get your fucking facts right coz rape IS NOT legal in India. God the fact that you just throw arround random made up facts without even checking twice shows how IGNORANT, STUPID and INSENSITIVE you are.