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I need help with a yaoi manga please. It's been a long time since I read it to I can't rem...

Sakura May 6, 2017 6:09 am

I need help with a yaoi manga please.
It's been a long time since I read it to I can't remember much bout it only bits and pieces of it.
It's bout this guy who I guess was a high school or college student who went to see his older sister's ex boyfriend. His older sister actually already dead and the MC actually has feelings for his sister's ex boyfriend. When he went to see the guy I forgot how he was able to get the ex boyfriend to let him to stay? The ex boyfriend job is actually getting information or something like that? I don't remember and the MC is actually really good with computers so he's really good with hacking and such. I think at first the ex bf didn't realize that the MC was actually his ex gf lil brother. But later on he started realizing it and knew that the MC was actually wanting to get his hands on some kind of info that he had. He also thought that the MC blamed him for causing his sisters death and such. I don't remember what happens much after but the MC left the ex bf place for a while but he decided to finally came back to the ex bf and they finally got together.
