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I liked it, but I didn't really understand Mani. Why did he act like he hated the island? ...

tiggipi May 7, 2017 12:27 am

I liked it, but I didn't really understand Mani. Why did he act like he hated the island? Did I miss something? One second he's fiercely refusing to go back, the next he's all gung-ho about it, and abruptly in love with Zomu. His personality completely changed after that bit with the plane ticket. O_o

Lovely art, and a nice story. I just feel like I missed something very important.

    joo May 22, 2017 4:25 am

    I think in part he was embarrassed he'd spent so much time away without contact, so he felt guilty. He also probably dreaded going back because he knew he had that massively long swim to get through if he went.