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Chapter 15 Raws

    A June 13, 2017 5:13 pm

    It makes sense to me that Haruki wasn't able to kill Hikaru. I don't necessarily think it's got anything to do with love but after suffering so much, he probably thought killing himself would at least free him of everything. In the end, if he had killed Hikaru, he wouldn't only suffer from all the abuse he experienced but he'd also suffer from guilt so I'm glad he didn't kill his brother even if Hikaru inflicted all that pain onto him. Also, I don't even think Haruki forgave his brother either because that would've been too simple, he simply sees his brother as being 'pathetic', and that no matter how much he ran, Hikaru would've searched for him endlessly. Which would make sense when he seemed to 'accept' Hikaru, fooling him into thinking that he had finally given in when he actually never did.

    Miindo July 1, 2017 1:35 pm

    Girls, I managed to find some spoilers of Ch. 16 >>

    Enjoy :)

    LessThanThree July 1, 2017 2:50 pm
    Girls, I managed to find some spoilers of Ch. 16 >> :) Miindo

    I'm not a girl or guy, but thanks, lol.

    LessThanThree July 1, 2017 2:51 pm
    I'm not a girl or guy, but thanks, lol. LessThanThree

    Need an account, though. :P