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Someone needs to put fear of God in Hyunwoo. Because he's an arsehole and a good period o...

Picisan31 May 7, 2017 5:56 pm

Someone needs to put fear of God in Hyunwoo.
Because he's an arsehole and a good period of grovelling is much needed if their relationship (somehow) happens somewhere in future.
And Subin... God! Grown up a bit will ye... Play a bit hard to get. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Anonymous May 16, 2017 12:47 am

    Um, playing hard to get is being grown up? And here I thought everyone other than me preferred to call them 'teases'. And, also, BTW, he IS playing hard to get. Please, have an INFORMED opinion, next time, at the VERY least...?