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I was wondering if anyone knew a Yaoi manga where the uke is the seme's butler but the sem...

HELP ME May 8, 2017 4:38 am

I was wondering if anyone knew a Yaoi manga where the uke is the seme's butler but the seme didn't consider him to be a butler and where one day he falls off a cliff and gets a scar from it and then the seme disappears and I think years later he is still working for the semes family but the main butler hates him and tells him he can't show his face in front of the family or let them know that he is there and then the seme shows up and the uke walks in every night to give him something ( I think it's coffee) and then he notices and pretty much that's how it goes there is more but can't be bothered writing it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
