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The seme doesn't have anyyyyy good quality..HOW THE HELL THE UKE FELL IN LOVE WITH SUCH AN...

Ayaatkhan May 9, 2017 11:17 am

The seme doesn't have anyyyyy good quality..HOW THE HELL THE UKE FELL IN LOVE WITH SUCH AN AMAZING FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!??? ( ̄へ ̄)He(uke) said over the phone that the seme is kind..How can u call someone kind when they fuck u but also have lunch with his girlfriend???? I mean how???? I am really sorry but i just can't accept cheating even if she's annoying..Both the seme and the dumb uke just go to hell..!!But translator san worked thank u anyway..(⌒▽⌒)

    Anonymous February 10, 2018 10:46 am

    Keep congratulating the seme on being a dickwad by giving him a pass while saying the onus is on the victim to change the rapist's behavior. Just stop hypocritically claiming you despise the seme. Ktbn