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I don't want to be pessimistic, but....

Pako28 May 13, 2017 6:03 pm

I don't know anymore.... I'm happy that they finally kissed, but knowing Ishida-sensei I can't stop thinkin about it as a death flag.... Look at it:
Why did Touka kiss Kaneki? she said that she would wait for him... Maybe she felt that they can't be safe anymore so she can't wait any longer and so the kiss happened
OR... she is thinking about going to the rescue to her friend and she could die trying to do so, so she decided to kiss Kaneki now... either way DEATH FLAGS EVERYWHERE
sorry for my english, hope you could understant what I'm trying to say
P.S. looks like my boy Takizawa found himself a potential waifu. Every reason to no kill yourself is good. Mommy is so so so happy for you my son *sob* *sob*

    Anonymous May 14, 2017 11:50 am

    Oh yeah i really didn't figure who Takizawa was talking to there... Was it Hinami??

    Pako28 May 14, 2017 12:34 pm

    I think it's Tomoe a.k.a Hakatori, girl from aogiri tree, she kinda attacked Takizawa, when he tried to attack Tatara... later she escaped with my boy and Akira