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I don't know. This is just. Why? I mean she practically just met the guy and vice versa an...

Mint March 25, 2013 4:53 am

I don't know. This is just. Why? I mean she practically just met the guy and vice versa and he is all like "I want to be your friend" and she is like "Why is my heart going doki doki?" and then he is like "You can go out with me" and then she is like "You are only using me as a toy" and he is like "It is how she said" and she is like "Well, sorry for being just a toy" and runs away crying. You don't know each other well and they are already in love, just how?!

    Jazz January 29, 2017 10:36 pm

    Wow. You put so few words together, but cobered the whole chapter. Nice job(๑•ㅂ•)و✧