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Do you guys know the literal meaning for the word yaoi?

Lint May 17, 2017 5:25 am

A cursory search on the web tells me the literal meaning of yaoi is "no climax, no resolution/point, no meaning," yamanashi ochinashi iminashi. I recall it now because it was a talking point in the community a couple years back. Some argued against it's continued use in the Western BL fandom vernacular because the Japanese use it to mock the genre as a whole. But to get to the point, from how I understand it (anyone correct me if I'm wrong), the word is made in reference to a BL's story structure because it centers around sex and therefore has no climax (to the story, harhar), no resolution, and therefore no meaning. It's the latter part that always comes to mind when I read manga where the issue of men being together is ostensibly brought up as being "pointless or meaningless," and often times by the main characters themselves.

I find it ironic that the meaning of the word refers to the story structure, but uncannily enough it often seems to reflect culturally on the conservative views held by the Japanese about gay relationships. I'm sure some of you all have read manga where a conflict arises and one of the protagonists inevitably says something along the lines, "we're both men, there's no point to this relationship." I always want to interject and say, "no, there is a point. There's love, there's companionship, there's family even if it doesn't result in progeny." I find it frustrating, but predicatable, that Akira subscribes to this thinking, and I wonder sometimes if manga-kas view homosexual relationships in this same light or if they're just parroting Japanese societal expectations. Keep in mind that I'm not accusing manga-kas of homophobia, but I do often wonder how much is a reflection of their views and how much is just observation.

This manga makes me an emotional mess, but the me that's engrossed can't stay away. At least I have other people to cry along with.

    ♥~Zerxz~♥ May 17, 2017 5:40 am


    Quinn May 17, 2017 10:21 am

    Holy crap, that was beautifully written... :')

    Melo May 17, 2017 3:02 pm

    Loved it , it means a lot