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Thanx For Translating But...

Amberwaves May 18, 2017 10:47 am

Thank you for translating, I really do appreciate it, but not finishing vol. 1 and jumping to vol. 2 just seems weird. I'm not sure why exactly, except that they said they were summarizing the rest of the vol. 1 on their blog, but that hardly is quite the same thing. First, if you do a summary at least make it easily available with the scans. Second with only one chapter out I'm not likely to be invested enough in any story to bother to search out someone's blog for summaries of the rest of the vol. instead of an actual translation. I'll think it a pity, but I'll skip it as too much of a bother.

    Anonymous May 18, 2017 11:11 am

    I think that's because vol 1 is licensed and vol2 isn't

    Amberwaves May 18, 2017 11:24 am
    I think that's because vol 1 is licensed and vol2 isn't @Anonymous

    If that's the case, it will only be a matter of time before vol. 2 and the rest are licensed won't it? And then there will be same issues as with vol. 1. Or has the publishers lost interest, and have no further plans to continue translating and publishing the rest of the series, in which case they most likely will be indifferent to any licensing issues regarding vol. 1. Perhaps though it is a matter of timing, getting the translation out before they get the license.

    Anonymous May 18, 2017 11:29 am

    they are selling vol1 but are apparently dropped the rest of the volumes.
    somebody said they will summarize vol1 for those that can't buy it.

    Anonymous May 18, 2017 11:32 am

    just check this comment section

    Amberwaves May 18, 2017 11:38 am
    they are selling vol1 but are apparently dropped the rest of the volumes.somebody said they will summarize vol1 for those that can't buy it. @Anonymous

    And as I wrote above, a summary is not anywhere near the same thing as an actual visual translation. If they had at least included it in their upload, it would be one thing, but for me who doesn't have access to the first vol., how likely am I to care enough based on that first chapter to go find someone's blog just read a written summary of the rest vol.? Just so I can get to read the rest?

    Amberwaves May 18, 2017 11:47 am
    just check this comment section @Anonymous

    Where do you think I read about their blog etc.? In the comment section, but it wasn't very clear about licensing, as I thought usually the rights to a manga (especially foreign) weren't sold in bits and pieces like that, but at several vols at a time.

    attackontitan May 18, 2017 1:45 pm
    Where do you think I read about their blog etc.? In the comment section, but it wasn't very clear about licensing, as I thought usually the rights to a manga (especially foreign) weren't sold in bits and pieces... Amberwaves

    actually you can read all volume one in english. just scroll trough the comments