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Colorless May 18, 2017 11:53 pm

so pathetic... at the beginning it was so amazing! I loved it...
but then.. after the white one came... and One became Eric... it became so pathetic... the usual romance shit....
I'm so disappointed.... such a good beginning came to be such shitty end... -___-
I;m sorry to the writer... but that's how I feel... I expected some different, unique story... with a lot of S&M play.... .... but in the end it became shoujo cliche story.....

    Mameiha May 23, 2017 10:50 pm
    i just felt kind of stereotyped as a "vanilla" (´∀`) i understand what you're saying but i still don't know if that was the background for the story. don't you think there are different reasons for people... cherry_cherry

    Please don't feel stereotyped, the term vanilla is not an insult. It is merely a term used to describe those who prefer "traditional" sex. A person's preferences do not make them "better" or "worse", only different.

    Being a masochist, sadist or having a fetish is not much different from being homosexual. You don't choose what turns you on. You can suppress your desire, but it never stops existing. There is a difference between liking/being casually turned on and a fetish. What you like can change over time, but a fetish will ALWAYS turn you on regardless of how long you've had it. I have one that I discovered when I was 6 and I am 47 now. It never gets old and it never fails to turn me on. That is what makes it a fetish vs being a casual turn on. So, in answer to your question, though tastes change, fetishes don't and for most masochists and sadists, their state is a fetish.

    If I reword the statement, "I despise you with the fire of a thousand suns and I wish you were dead" to, " I hate you", have I apologized? No, rewording is not an apology. Nor is a simple apology a sign of strength. What makes an apology a sign of strength is it's sincerity and the sincerity is shown through the actions taken to prevent repeating the circumstances being apologized for. I can say, "I'm sorry for being a bitch", but if I continue doing bitchy things, the apology was not sincere and is certainly not a sign of strength. In fact, it's patronizing and cowardly. When someone only apologizes in order to get out of trouble or to make things easier for themselves, they are taking the easy way out. The apology only made things better for them, not the person they were apologizing to.

    Please know that, although we disagree, I hold no animosity toward you. I have sincerely enjoyed exchanging ideas with you. We view the world differently and by talking with you, I am able to see the world through your eyes and you, through mine. Thank you for that opportunity.

    Maychan May 24, 2017 8:48 pm

    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ so I know it kind of weird, but someone delete my account. [the one with the pic of the fox] so I won't be able to answer you. sorry about it, I can't do anything.

    Choi Jinyu May 25, 2017 5:19 pm

    Cliché? Well what's wrong with that? People likes Cliché and well it's popular maybe because of it- though i don't really love the end too but shitty is a mean words, This manhwa was amazing with it's own chram. I respected your opinion but not your words.

    Mameiha May 25, 2017 6:22 pm
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ so I know it kind of weird, but someone delete my account. [the one with the pic of the fox] so I won't be able to answer you. sorry about it, I can't do anything. @Maychan

    I had the very same problem yesterday, but it seems to be cleared up today. I wish you the best of luck in getting things straightened out.

    maychan May 25, 2017 7:01 pm
    I had the very same problem yesterday, but it seems to be cleared up today. I wish you the best of luck in getting things straightened out. Mameiha

    (⌒▽⌒) yeas I freak out sooo much!! but it's okay now hahah it seem it happen to all of us in this site #-.-) it was scary!

    Mameiha May 25, 2017 7:44 pm
    (⌒▽⌒) yeas I freak out sooo much!! but it's okay now hahah it seem it happen to all of us in this site #-.-) it was scary! maychan

    I have over 1700 manga listed as read here. If I had to start over I would have died or gone blind. LOL I think they were doing site maintenence yesterday. Still, that was frustrating.

    maychan May 25, 2017 7:47 pm
    I have over 1700 manga listed as read here. If I had to start over I would have died or gone blind. LOL I think they were doing site maintenence yesterday. Still, that was frustrating. Mameiha

    they should have warn us at least ヽ(`Д´)ノ I got really scared there!! you can't do that to so many people ヽ(`Д´)ノ ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Mameiha May 25, 2017 8:00 pm

    I only knew about the site maintenence because I was in the middle of reading and the page wouldn't load. It told be to go to another storage site because Mangago was offline.

    maychan May 25, 2017 8:37 pm
    I only knew about the site maintenence because I was in the middle of reading and the page wouldn't load. It told be to go to another storage site because Mangago was offline. Mameiha

    it never told me that and I was on the site too 0-0 it seem normal with nothing new or page that say that. that's why I freak out so much XD

    Mameiha May 26, 2017 12:19 am
    it never told me that and I was on the site too 0-0 it seem normal with nothing new or page that say that. that's why I freak out so much XD maychan

    That must have been very worrisome. Luckily, it is all fixed now and if it happens again it won't be as scary. Also, if you contact the site moderators, they are always fast to fix a problem.