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I know this is a oneshot and its for comedy purpose. But I really question the older broth...

Anonymous March 27, 2013 11:39 pm

I know this is a oneshot and its for comedy purpose. But I really question the older brother's love. So he slept with someone else because of a misunderstanding for years, but he didnt care much. If he really loves the younger brother and realizes the reason, he would be sadder for the years they missed and for sleeping with someone else. But it seems like the younger one is the only one who cares and the older one just had his fun playing. I didnt like it.

    Tofu-chan March 28, 2013 4:41 am

    Well, you can't live without sex; I don't believe most people can, therefore him sleeping with someone else isn't really a big problem. Plus, the younger brother isn't a virgin either, though they didn't talk about it much in the manga. The older brother just found more comfort in sleeping with others , which is normal. He had a fear he wouldn't be loved back and, as every human wants, he wanted to relieve these feelings of love through intimacy. What furthermore shows his love is on the same level of his brother is that he was able to still love his younger brother, even though he had other men; he loved him so much, it could only be his younger brother. So, I disagree with you. Just because you have sex to forget, doesn't mean you don't love the person. You have to realize everyone is human and humans still have desires to fill. And the younger brother did try to forget him by bringing over that younger woman ignoring the feelings of his brother, thinking it would be better that way, which didn't mean he didn't love his older brother. So, again, humans make mistakes, but love isn't measured through those mistakes. Sorry, this is too long. >.<

    Anonymous March 28, 2013 5:23 am

    Well, Im pretty sure Im older than he is and Im still a virgin so yeah, people can live without sex. Its just a manga but I dont like the idea. U dont get confessed -> sleep with someone else. I got heartbroken before but I never had a thought of throwing myself out there.
    Not to be too serious but its really wrong. Besides, sleeping with someone else yet still love the first person is not showing how much u love the first person. Rather, ur love to him is not enough to keep u from engaging sexual acts with someone else. But my point is that he seems fine after finding out. I would been so sad because of a simple mistake that I slept with someone else and missed all the years.
    He brought the girl home to end his feeling (not ignoring the brother's feeling since he didnt know). And he didnt know they are blood-related so he thought that would be the best for both of them.
    Somehow mistakes can break a relationship, dont forget how many marriages failed because of cheating?
    I can see our POV is so different >.< but Im glad because Im so conservative that my fiance has no complain about my past. Sorry if I get too personal.

    here March 28, 2013 5:44 am

    Sex is OVER RATED!!!!!

    Hm.... March 28, 2013 6:21 am

    I think some people are having problem seeing... especially with the part when the younger brother kisses older way before the present. Sex is not the problem here, it is his bs excuses why he is having so much sex with many people. The bitch was obviously gagging and enjoying sex for so long that he waited forever to confess.