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Kayame May 24, 2017 1:18 am

Yes! Finally someone has translated this! After seeing the Russian translation is was sad for Hikaru, even though I couldn't understand it...I got the gist of it. But seeing it in English I'm even more heartbroken

Honestly Yuki disgust me to no end. I know Hikaru is no saint but what Yuki did was far worse than anything Hikaru has ever done. I don't understand how you've been with someone for so long yet you don't know if you're happy or if you love the person. And then trying to lay blame on Hikaru for your cheating ass is disgraceful. He literally took advantage of Shiga's health problems. I know Shiga forced the relationship but Yuki as the adult and teacher in a committed relationship should have put a stop to it but he didn't, even after Atori found out and warned him, he continued his disgraceful and shameful behaviour to the very end when Shiga's memories began to fail....i.e if it wasn't for that he would have left Hikaru for Shiga. Even after Hikaru told him that he knew he was cheating and forgave him he still didn't stop. Saying the reason he cheated was because he had never been with anyone but Hikaru to justify his actions was even more disgraceful. Atori at one point told him to break up with Hikaru if he was in love with Shiga and he refused and in the end because Shiga lost his memory of him, he ran away like a coward without even a proper goodbye to Hikaru (which he deserved) and even after Hikaru found him, he still hadn't sort out his wtf have you been doing in nearly a year? But it's funny how he ignored Hikaru and everyone else's calls and messages but as soon as he got a call from Shiga he was quick to go see him....someone he only knew for a few months. I applaud him for letting Shiga go in the end and realizing that was in love with Hikaru.....but it took you destroying everything to realize that? And then he had the nerve to get angry at Hikaru when he saw Bitch Pls!!! All in all, after everything he did I wanted Hikaru to fall in love with someone else and let Yuki regret and long for Hikaru realizing that he could never have that or Hikaru again, so he has to stay on the sidelines with deep regret at what he threw away. I'm sorry but he doesn't deserve Hikaru

    Anonymous May 25, 2017 12:32 am

    Me too, to be honest I prefer the actor than yuki because even he slept with the other guy just to got the rule he still thinking hikaru and going back to him and having sex with him unlike yuki while having sex with him, he imagined that the one he having sex was his student