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Okay everyone, I understand completely your frustrations on Yuki, but can I somewhat expla...

In defence of Yuki.. (but not May 24, 2017 3:47 am

Okay everyone, I understand completely your frustrations on Yuki, but can I somewhat explain why I sympathise with him? Just bare with me a little (or a lot) haha. I’m not sure if I can really put my thoughts about this into words, but I’ll try. Firstly though, I don’t condone cheating! But I can “understand” why it happens.

So Hikaru cheated several times in their relationship even if it wasn’t “serious” - as he says - but can we really count that as an excuse for his cheating? Yuki has only been with Hikaru since high school, they first got together at a point in his life when Yuki was inexperienced, vulnerable and impressionable. Hikaru was his only “experience” with love and romantic relationships. Everyone grows and changes as they get older.

I’m in my mid 20s now I can barely relate to the person I was in my late teens. I got into my first relationship when I was 17 (almost 18) and the guy I dated was 5 years older than me (5 years is quite a big age gap when you’re 17, trust me). About 4 years into our relationship I was faced with the same insecurities that Yuki had. (Although I never actually cheated, I certainly had a mind to, but in the end I broke up with him.) In my naivety back then, I thought something like “How do you know if it’s really love or if you’re really happy, if you’ve got nothing to compare it to?” I know thats no excuse for Yuki to cheat and “explore” but I mean, it’s one mistake - yes it was a huge mistake, but is that really so much worse than Hikaru’s many little “mistakes”?

Also, I didn’t necessarily feel that he actually “blamed” anything on Hikaru, what I mean is he knew it wasn’t actually Hikaru’s fault (this is the part I feared would be hard to explain.) He didn’t mean it, it’s just something you do almost as a subconscious reflex - I think anyone would be lying if they said they’d never done this before (in some way or form).

In my opinion, in the end he didn’t return straight away when Hikaru found him was probably because he didn’t know if he deserved to be back together with Hikaru, not that he hadn’t sorted out his feelings. I also did not get the impression that he would have “dated” Shiga had he not forgot his memory. Adding to that, I think he was only quick to reply to Shiga at the end so that he could say goodbye properly and get some closure, as the way things ended with Shiga was kind of strained because of the whole memory loss thing. Of course I don’t think Yuki’s “feelings” justified his behaviour and actions, but I can’t go so far as to say that he disgusts me. People are fallible. Miyamoto Kano’s works are great because they show all of that.

I think the most important note is that, Hikaru forgave Yuki immediately (and his is really the only opinion that matters regarding Yuki’s cheating). I think its because being older, more mature and experienced, he understands Yuki’s wavering (because he’s probably been there too). Being older now, I personally don’t think I could cheat, nor forgive cheating, but I can still “understand” why some people do.

So I guess people’s (our) different life experiences shape the way we view things. That’s what I love about reading these kinds of manga haha. I’m not trying to get anyone to agree with me btw. It’s just another opinion, I’m just offering another perspective on this! I think they have a looong way to go yet, but I’m glad they’re still together (both couples).

I’m not even sure why I even bothered to type all this out for just a fictional story.. I feel kinda silly.. anyway..
Thank goodness for the scanlators (thank you!!) for releasing this all in one go! I can’t bare to read Miyamoto Kano’s works with slow, torturous updates..

    Lordai May 24, 2017 6:32 am

    If I could give you a thousand thumbs up I would. You did a great job explaining your perspective. I have to admit, it did peeve me a bit on how the relationship between Yuki and Hikaru went but you're right, when you said Hikaru's opinion "is really the only opinion that matters regarding Yuki’s cheating" because this is their relationship and not our. We are naturally inclined to judge and harshly too because of morals or ideals without first taking time to be empathetic or considerate of their unique situation. I want more reflections and opinions to be like yours! Thoughtful, considerate and yet still refreshing in perspectives. (=・ω・=)

    beniboshi May 24, 2017 12:41 pm
    If I could give you a thousand thumbs up I would. You did a great job explaining your perspective. I have to admit, it did peeve me a bit on how the relationship between Yuki and Hikaru went but you're right, w... Lordai

    aww thank you for such a lovely reply! (thought I was logged in). This was the first time I wrote such a ridiculously long comment so I’m really glad that someone took the time to read it all, let alone replied haha (⌒_⌒)

    Anonymous May 25, 2017 12:49 am

    Well I understand what are you trying say but at least when atori warned him to break up to hikaru I really got angry because he didn't followed of what atori said and he continued to cheating him, he only broke up with him when the situation got worst

    beniboshi May 25, 2017 5:01 am
    Well I understand what are you trying say but at least when atori warned him to break up to hikaru I really got angry because he didn't followed of what atori said and he continued to cheating him, he only br... @Anonymous

    Yeah, I really understand that frustration. But when it comes to matters of the heart though, it really is soo hard to budge people, they say they "know it's wrong" but they just don't listen. I know this because I'm currently in a similar on-going situation with my best friend.. Just thinking about it makes me mad, but what can you do.. It's frustrating, but at least that manga is realistic haha

    Hana May 25, 2017 6:41 am

    I couldn't agree more with this topic (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ