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Homestly i would not be suprised if kyoko doesnt even remember tht happening she was so ou...

I Love Junjou Romantica May 25, 2017 6:12 am

Homestly i would not be suprised if kyoko doesnt even remember tht happening she was so outta it, like tht was still such a low blow shou and i really love how she just walked away after tht, i hope it doesnt blow up in faces

    CrystalAris May 25, 2017 12:44 pm

    she did pay him back ^^ but at that time she didn't care. at that point Sho wasn't even a bug. he was nothing because of what he did to her in the past so she got 'dead eyes'

    I know these two need a push to be together, but Boss's decision ... yeah I this is gonna blow up some how.... just how will they handle it since they are no longer the Heel siblings.

    Serifeen May 28, 2017 6:38 pm
    she did pay him back ^^ but at that time she didn't care. at that point Sho wasn't even a bug. he was nothing because of what he did to her in the past so she got 'dead eyes'I know these two need a push to be t... CrystalAris

    But basically both of them know of their feelings now... And Kyoko is not denying them anymore, so I really hope for a move in the right direction soon....ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    CrystalAris May 28, 2017 8:10 pm
    But basically both of them know of their feelings now... And Kyoko is not denying them anymore, so I really hope for a move in the right direction soon....ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Serifeen

    there's still that bet with Sho, and she will keep her word so the worst case if Ren finds out She will leave.

    And my guess is if she found out he likes her.... she wouldn't believe its romantic feelings at all and will be in denial

    Anonymous May 29, 2017 12:02 am
    there's still that bet with Sho, and she will keep her word so the worst case if Ren finds out She will leave.And my guess is if she found out he likes her.... she wouldn't believe its romantic feelings at all ... CrystalAris

    That's why I don't want them to end up together. Because then she will have to keep her word and lose her career she worked hard on.

    Serifeen May 29, 2017 12:31 am
    That's why I don't want them to end up together. Because then she will have to keep her word and lose her career she worked hard on. @Anonymous

    O_O What? I think I missed something....
    I know she told Sho that she only uses Ren, but... he basically knows that this was a lie (otherwise he wouldn't react like that) AND for the record it is HIS fault that she is.... can we say basically damaged? xD I love her, but sie is faaaaaaar away from normal....

    Serifeen May 29, 2017 12:32 am
    there's still that bet with Sho, and she will keep her word so the worst case if Ren finds out She will leave.And my guess is if she found out he likes her.... she wouldn't believe its romantic feelings at all ... CrystalAris

    O.o What bet?

    Anonymous May 29, 2017 12:36 am
    O.o What bet? Serifeen

    She promised Sho she will not fall for Ren and if she does she will quit her job and be his maid..something like you know how shoujo is. Once they make a promise no matter how ridiculous they will act like it's law.

    Serifeen May 29, 2017 3:06 am
    She promised Sho she will not fall for Ren and if she does she will quit her job and be his maid..something like you know how shoujo is. Once they make a promise no matter how ridiculous they will act ... @Anonymous

    O_O How could I miss that??
    But with her current personality she would be a maid from hell... O_O''

    and... well... technically she fell for Kyon first.... soooo... does that still count? xD

    CrystalAris May 29, 2017 1:26 pm
    O_O How could I miss that??But with her current personality she would be a maid from hell... O_O''and... well... technically she fell for Kyon first.... soooo... does that still count? xD Serifeen

    Actually No, her 1st love was Shotorou while Corn was a Fariy and a friend to Kyoko.

    and Sho was her 1st 'show biz' enemy, Ren came 2nd ^^' Sorry Ren, but in perspective that's better for Ren. Any way After Ren started treating her better (after realizing SHE was his model of an ideal Japanese girl {hard working and tries their best}) Kyoko started looking up to Ren with Admiration. Only after did he Kiss the Magic Stone, did Kyoko sense 'Danger'

    And the bet was made just before the Heel Siblings 'Dangerous Scene'. Sho had 'poochy' trap Kyoko at school so Kyoko couldn't run away and then got Kyoko in the car (I know Ren saw them in the Car at one point in all this ^^') and the scene where the bet takes place is in the car parking lot when Sho backs Kyoko against a wall and provokes her into agreeing where she says she's using Ren.

    I Love Junjou Romantica June 1, 2017 6:38 pm
    O_O How could I miss that??But with her current personality she would be a maid from hell... O_O''and... well... technically she fell for Kyon first.... soooo... does that still count? xD Serifeen

    Tht could only work if ren got rid of his mask and released tht to the public tht he is kuon. But i still think i would love this so much if she just say screw it to shou and do wst shr want regardless . . . .but shoujo cant work like tht :/

    CrystalAris June 1, 2017 8:16 pm
    Tht could only work if ren got rid of his mask and released tht to the public tht he is kuon. But i still think i would love this so much if she just say screw it to shou and do wst shr want regardless . . . .b... I Love Junjou Romantica

    *stares into camera*

    "We must all keep our promises boys and girls."

    Too Lazy To Sign In June 1, 2017 8:33 pm
    She promised Sho she will not fall for Ren and if she does she will quit her job and be his maid..something like you know how shoujo is. Once they make a promise no matter how ridiculous they will act ... @Anonymous

    But it did have a condition. She has to rise above Sho, and I believe Ren as well, before the bet becomes void. After she tops both of them, she's free to do as she likes.

    Anonymous June 1, 2017 9:02 pm
    But it did have a condition. She has to rise above Sho, and I believe Ren as well, before the bet becomes void. After she tops both of them, she's free to do as she likes. @Too Lazy To Sign In

    It just bothers me for her to listen to him. Why does he matter at all? It's like in a way she is still being subservient to him.

    Serifeen June 2, 2017 7:06 am

    Well.. He is still her childhood friend and therefore important to her... :(

    Anym June 3, 2017 11:15 am

    Kyoko is the most honest girl to the point stupidity honest ( some time it's cute).. So She won't back down on her own words....The solution is seek a loophole in the bet... The Bet is about if Kyoko like someone that name "Ren"..she will become Sho maid and come back to Kyoto to work with Sho parents....
    So we all know and kyoko, aven Reino knew that Ren is stage name... So Ren just need to reveal his real name and announce it to the world (like with Kuu hizuri).. Then the promise is invalid.. Because the name not Ren anymore... So Kyoko doesn't need to fulfill her promise...

    Anonymous June 12, 2017 12:59 am
    Kyoko is the most honest girl to the point stupidity honest ( some time it's cute).. So She won't back down on her own words....The solution is seek a loophole in the bet... The Bet is about if Kyoko like someo... @Anym

    Also, she basically promised not to go back to how she was before, letting her love of someone dictate her life and always putting that person first. I mean if the bet was about her just falling for Ren, she already lost before she made the bet lol
    So she should be fine as long as she stays the course

    I Love Junjou Romantica June 12, 2017 3:31 pm
    It just bothers me for her to listen to him. Why does he matter at all? It's like in a way she is still being subservient to him. @Anonymous

    Yes yes! Thts why i want to see her just say screw it about shou and his stupid bet of desperation