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arghhh... every time i read shoujo i always find annoying stupid mc women, that why i seld...

doki-doki May 25, 2017 2:44 pm

arghhh... every time i read shoujo i always find annoying stupid mc women, that why i seldom read shoujo ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Anonymous May 25, 2017 2:53 pm

    good girl! now shift to yaoi (⌒▽⌒)

    brynn May 25, 2017 2:58 pm
    good girl! now shift to yaoi (⌒▽⌒) @Anonymous

    Some ukes in yaoi can be stupid too, to the point it annoys you.

    Anonymous May 25, 2017 3:04 pm
    Some ukes in yaoi can be stupid too, to the point it annoys you. brynn


    takame May 25, 2017 3:14 pm
    Some ukes in yaoi can be stupid too, to the point it annoys you. brynn

    yep, some ukes are no different than the stereotypical shoujo heroines.

    Anonymous May 25, 2017 3:48 pm
    yep, some ukes are no different than the stereotypical shoujo heroines. takame

    That's really true but at least in yaoi the uke is male and a bishi so it less annoying hahaha. And a girl in shoujo manga, why is all if the story most of the story they are all stupid and lack of cinfidence moreover they dint have pride. And the male us just fantasy in real life men in shoujo manga doesnt exist. I think shoujo is poison for young girl to have false hope of love life

    Hi May 25, 2017 4:01 pm
    That's really true but at least in yaoi the uke is male and a bishi so it less annoying hahaha. And a girl in shoujo manga, why is all if the story most of the story they are all stupid and lack of cinfidence m... @Anonymous

    Wow so true, I totally agree!

    Anonymous May 25, 2017 4:03 pm

    Okay maybe because I am a female as well, but whenever I see stupid female MC, I cannot help myself but think of them being a snake. I have seen my friends pretending to bitchy and sneaky so I somehow know the tricks. Maybe I have spent my whole life with the wrong people, but that's how I see them. Haha....

    takame May 25, 2017 4:29 pm
    That's really true but at least in yaoi the uke is male and a bishi so it less annoying hahaha. And a girl in shoujo manga, why is all if the story most of the story they are all stupid and lack of cinfidence m... @Anonymous

    you are probably just reading the wrong type of shoujos. also, it is the culture of young girls in japan, and in a way, it's reflected in the manga. we have no right to judge them.

    also, boy's love gives fujoshi false expectations to love life. if you go often the front page like me, you will see a lot of posters that hates shoujo like you, and dislikes het manga stories but gushes on BL ones, or saying "i'd probably be single for life". most even state that they wish they are male and wanted a yaoi romance and whatnot. these are also what you call "false hope of love life" so it's not really different. you only get to ogle a lot of men in BL.

    brynn May 25, 2017 4:39 pm
    you are probably just reading the wrong type of shoujos. also, it is the culture of young girls in japan, and in a way, it's reflected in the manga. we have no right to judge them. also, boy's love gives fujosh... takame

    My friend, I'm so agreed with you.