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ok bum really stresses me out

-Yato- May 25, 2017 3:19 pm

i've thinking this like usually i side with bullied party ok, no matter what you can't treat like a shit to a person and etc. but bum is like always and always looking like a emo depressed kid which is pretty normal considering his background.

buuuuuuut. you know people like people have their limits right at some point he needs to like put up a fight, speak for himself. i don't know how the story will go but i' thinking that bum's gonna rage on mode at some point and even kill sangwoo or maybe himself too. i know this is little cliche but sick of seeing everyone busting his ball, making fun of him and everything. i belive you bum you can do dis, naruto did it u can do dis too (naruto didn't have a molester uncle though ok but he had noone)

    seungbabe May 25, 2017 4:15 pm

    That was what Sangwoo had in mind, I think. (i.e. CH19Pg82) Of course he expressed it in a more fucked up way, like getting a body for Bum to kill as some sort of "release" from all the pent up shit Bum has within. I think Sangwoo had wanted Bum to find some kind peace in killing, like he did. So, pretty much Jieun was some kind of gift to Bum. But in terms of Bum retaliating... well, judging Bum's stature, he's too frail and too mentally scarred to fight back alone.