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Amyuzumaki May 26, 2017 1:29 am

I didn't really like Madoka in the beginning, but now I see that she isn't a bad person, and instead, I'm mad at Ryuu for having so many wives despite marrying Madoka and her abortion. I feel like if i marry someone, I'd want them devoted to me, not off searching for new wives like at the start of the story. Think about your wives please. They feel anxious and lonely they can't have the man they love to themselves. Not to mention, please get a job. How are you managing to support this family

    marry May 30, 2017 12:07 am

    I agree with the job part, dude needs a job. I still dislike Madoka even after reading her back story. There are lots of countries where men have multiple wives and it work out well, it is not for every woman but others don't mind it- for example the long hair girl doesn't seem lonely nor hate the situation. Speaking of the long hair girl wasn't she married to haru (not 100% sure that is his name) first. Also wasn't the abortion Madoka idea and decision, she got pregnant by another guy and haru helped pay for the abortion which is why she decided to be with him, they weren't in any romantic or physical relationship up to that point. She knew the kind of guy he was and that he wasn't in love with her but decided to be with him anyways. The guy never lied about his desire or pretended to be someone else. This is all to say that i can't really feel bad for the girls because they made the decision (for their own reasons) to be with him and they knew what he wanted and i also can't hate they guy simply because he wants multiple wives. He doesn't cheat, lie, rape, abuse or force them to be with him. If a guy told me he desire multiple wives i will know then and there it is time to go our separate ways.