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i dont know why people areso caught up in their "relationship" saying that the seme is abu...

gay _penguins May 26, 2017 6:21 am

i dont know why people areso caught up in their "relationship" saying that the seme is abusing uke and yada yada. for one, they are NOT in relationship together. it is abductor and abductee, if sangwoo is abusive towards bum, thats to be expected. i dont know why people are acting like they are in a relationship together. another thing id like to say is that i dont think that bum has Lima Syndrome or Stockholm syndrome, or any of that kind of thing. you have to remember that yoon bum was originally sangwoo's stalker aka he was obsessed with him. when he found out about what sangwoo does, he was really scared and wanted to get away, but now he doesnt want to anymore. i think yoon bum's feelings towards sangwoo were always old feelings. his feelings of love towards sangwoo was never gone even after he got kidnapped by sangwoo. usually lima and Stockholm syndrome victims were not in love with their captures before. usually they didn't know/barely interacted with him before/at all. but it doesnt even seem like yoon bum likes him anymore, and if he still does, then they are probably old feelings, resurfaced.

    Lina May 26, 2017 6:38 am


    xx May 26, 2017 6:44 am

    The author does have a Stockholm Syndrome as reference in her webtoon. Even though it might not be genuine, Bum was initially a stranger to Sangwoo. When Sangwoo found Bum in his basement, the first thing he did was tortured Bum until he heard his confession. There's no love, but Bum did caught his interest to keep him alive still.

    Bum's obsession towards Sangwoo is still legit. I don't think Bum is capable to fake his obsession, and anyone would be afraid when they were tortured or abused. And Bum is easy to manipulate too, feed him with affections and he will fall all over him again. He is obsessed with Sangwoo after all.

    gay _penguins May 26, 2017 6:52 am
    The author does have a Stockholm Syndrome as reference in her webtoon. Even though it might not be genuine, Bum was initially a stranger to Sangwoo. When Sangwoo found Bum in his basement, the first thing he di... @xx

    yeah i kinda agree with that. basic manipulation. sangwoo also knew that bum was stalking him too, and with bum's meek personality, he would be easily used.

    seungbabe May 26, 2017 8:19 am

    There was no mention at all in the webtoon that any of the characters has Stockholm Syndrome or Lima Syndrome. However, some fans speculate that some of the behaviours of the characters fit the qualifications of the syndromes. Canonically, however, Bum has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) You can check the earlier chapters to confirm this. However, recently, Koogi has confirmed that Bum's character only has traits similar to a person who has BPD, he does not have it himself.

    Regarding their "relationship", fans don't automatically mean it to be a romantic one. Their relationship can be as you've said: an abductor-abductee relationship. However, their relationship is subjected to a person's interpretation of Sangwoo and Bum. I honestly don't even know what to make of their relationship, but what I am certain of is that it has progressed compared to the start. There was a slightly positive progression, I think. Of course, the huge power imbalance will forever be imprinted in their "relationship". Sangwoo will always the stronger, dominant one and Yoon Bum the weaker one. If anything, I'd say they're hovering over the line of companionship, a really fucked up and unfair sort of companionship. Sangwoo has been alone for a very long time, and apparently his childhood is far from an ideal one. He sees Bum to be someone who fills the void his mother, the parent who gave him affection, left. Bum claims to love him and Sangwoo leeches from it. But anyway, as far as relationship goes, then yeah, perhaps others aren't pertaining to a romantic one.

    Regarding Bum's feelings, I think he's still pretty obssessed with Sangwoo. He still wants Sangwoo, he is pleased when he gives him affection. But Sangwoo's pretty much still a paradox other than the little things that were presented to us by Koogi.

    Anoni Grrl May 26, 2017 9:48 am

    Do you think Sangwoo thinks they are in a relationship? I mean, given that I think Sangwoo's a psychopath who never really sees other people as important at all, do you think in the game in Sangwoo's head, Sangwoo has Bum in a sort of relationship role? I mean, in the inner monologue where Sangwoo is the hero, and Bum is at fault, and Sangwoo is doing things for Bum--don't you think Sangwoo would not say Bum is an abductee?

    gay _penguins May 26, 2017 6:00 pm
    Do you think Sangwoo thinks they are in a relationship? I mean, given that I think Sangwoo's a psychopath who never really sees other people as important at all, do you think in the game in Sangwoo's head, Sang... Anoni Grrl

    im pretty sure that sangwoo doesnt think that he and yoon bum are in a relationship together. from the comment above yours, she said that sangwoo probably thinks of yoon bum as a mother figure of some sort, someone who will care about him no matter what he does to them, thats seems pretty likely because yoon bum was an obsessive stalker, stalker ususally are pretty crazy and would do anything to get the person that they are stalking or do anything to please the stalkee, im sure sangwoo figured out that yoon bum was obsessed with him and would do anything for him, to use him, because he reminded him of his mother.

    Fouzia zerin May 26, 2017 8:03 pm

    you all bringing science in here #-.-)
    I don't get it at all( ̄∇ ̄")
    I m just here for enjoy yoai scene... don't care who is suffering in what kind off syndrome anyway.... its a 2D life just enjoy ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anoni Grrl May 26, 2017 9:12 pm
    im pretty sure that sangwoo doesnt think that he and yoon bum are in a relationship together. from the comment above yours, she said that sangwoo probably thinks of yoon bum as a mother figure of some sort, som... gay _penguins

    I completely agree that Sangwoo is using bum. I guess i use "relationship" more generally. I mean, it doesn't need to be love, or even romance. To me, what a relationship needs is for two people to be involved with each other. So, to me, it's an abusive relationship because they each focused on the other in some way. There is also a sort of intimacy to killing together. It's not like they could share that with just anybody. Even the secret of abusing and being abused is something between them. Something sick and unhealthy, but something. Does that make sense?