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uwaahh! I'm crying here alone TT__TT ! god I can't stop crying.. T___T I didn't expect th...

Sakura Henshin March 29, 2013 8:05 pm

uwaahh! I'm crying here alone TT__TT ! god I can't stop crying.. T___T
I didn't expect this ending. gosh my heart aches. poor kuroda. </3 well, law is a law. we can't oppose the law! dammnit I need some tissue *sniff sniff*

    Dotdot April 9, 2013 4:45 am

    Yeak ikr . same goes w/ me I can't stop crying T^T . It kinda sad when you spill out your true feeling on the last night and you only have a night to spent together before you die . Arghhh it was their first and last night together .