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I found this to be Hot as hell! I don't get the people smacking the uke; I think he is gor...

kyouran May 30, 2017 9:38 pm

I found this to be Hot as hell! I don't get the people smacking the uke; I think he is gorgeous. I understand this is about people's preferences, but to me, beauty is beauty; It is a universal, because it comes in all types shapes and forms. Beauty (both inner and outer) is not about making it fit into a box of specific dimensions, or placing it into limited schemas....smh

This one hit the right notes with me because both the seme and the uke are gorgeous in their unique way; I also didn't interpret the seme to "prefer" girls and that's why he "forced" the uke to crossdress, I think the story made it very clear that the seme loved the uke wholeheartedly and loved all aspects of his personality, not just because he "looked" like a girl. If you think about it, that's a very sexist viewpoint and it is ironic to see it so strongly manifested in a Yaoi community, where its readers, because of the nature of the genre, are thought to be opened minded non-prejudiced individuals. Anyways, I personally loved it and thought that park scene was hot as fuck ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    anonymous May 30, 2017 9:49 pm

    my fav part was when the uke was thinking about how he wants his man to wear dresses and stuff. XD

    kyouran May 30, 2017 10:11 pm
    my fav part was when the uke was thinking about how he wants his man to wear dresses and stuff. XD @anonymous

    I loved it as well because it's just as sexy :D
    That's why I loved "Deri Pocha", "Pretty Wimps" and even Shinyu Mayu's shougo "Ai Wo Utau Yori Ore Ni Oborero", because all three are about characters that defy stereotypes, and I found all characters in them beautiful and gorgeous in their unique way. That's why I don't get this hating. In the end, people have the right to be as obtuse and prejudiced as they want; it's just a real shame.