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I hope Ozaki is going to be the uke..... cant wait for more

Momo March 31, 2013 9:33 am

I hope Ozaki is going to be the uke.....
cant wait for more

    Kasuku March 31, 2013 1:33 pm

    Hahah..same here. I want Ozaki to be the uke too >///<

    natsume142 March 31, 2013 2:00 pm

    I want him to be the uke too!

    ******* March 31, 2013 4:19 pm

    I wish it waz him too, but the other guy seems to be more uke-ish (?)

    Anonymous March 31, 2013 7:50 pm

    He is actullay is not the uke

    blfan April 2, 2013 1:58 am

    wow i can't believe so many ppl want ozaki to be uke... tsuburaya seems SOO uke to me! lol