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well... kou might be.. harsh. but, thats how he is. at least, he didnt fall for others. i ...

ikky June 1, 2017 2:29 am

well... kou might be.. harsh. but, thats how he is. at least, he didnt fall for others. i mean, he was a straight man. but, he never cheated. tho he did be friend with men n women to make ichi jealous, but he never liked other people. i kinda like this story. its heartbreaking but.. urmm, im glad ichi went after him, n saw him crying. n im glad they hve hppy ending. n ichi seems.. maybe he's not cheating actually? but why the hell he's in the same room with that glasses boy? n... he did admit that he likes him. if only kou didnt come, they might do something in the room. really glad tht they just sat beside each other, not kissing or something. if it was, i might hate ichi. well, if it was me, if i was in kou's situation, i wont say anything. just looking at my bf in numbness, say sorry, n.. leave them. n the next day, i might quit studying in the university. thats wht i do if this ever happens or if i loved my bf so much.
