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mari-chan June 2, 2017 10:11 pm

How come we readers have ton more ideas that the authers themselves???!!!!!!!!I mean I can,and I'm sure there a ton of people that can also imagine a 5000 turns to this story why leave it like this??!!! There are plenty if shorts mangas that could've been the best mangas if all time! Why??!

    Amnesia's Heroine June 16, 2017 10:41 pm

    Well also doesn't it go to like the people who manage the mangaka and they choose if it's good or not

    Poseidon March 16, 2018 5:06 pm

    I think its coz they need to write what sells in the japanese markets.. Pure writing is something established authors can safely do, but maybe not a lot of mangakas can do it..