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Why seke? Why seke?? *wrong focus* Sorry, i just wished the niichan stays seme and yui st...

NaNa June 4, 2017 4:28 pm

Why seke? Why seke?? *wrong focus*

Sorry, i just wished the niichan stays seme and yui stays uke. I don't really like story where the couple change position. It's just... kinda destroying my imagination about someone cool, muscular, and handsome one is fitted to be seme ╥﹏╥

But, i still love you harada ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Anonymous June 4, 2017 4:37 pm

    Dont worry we've still got Asami Ryuichi, the coolest snd best seme we've ever got

    Lol June 4, 2017 4:43 pm


    MangaLover123 June 4, 2017 4:50 pm

    Agreed. I honestly wish they stayed the way they are supposed to be. Why Harada? Why? T_T

    titania04 June 4, 2017 5:22 pm
    Dont worry we've still got Asami Ryuichi, the coolest snd best seme we've ever got @Anonymous

    So true!!

    murksiuke June 4, 2017 5:50 pm

    i dont agree with you. they are both guys, and sexual positions should not change how you view their masculinity. I mean if your boyfriend would ask you to, dunno, finger him or something, are you going to start going on how it makes him less cool, masculine and manly? Sex is sex, people should do what feels good rather than what fits their image (as long as its safe, sane, and consensual, ofc)

    Anonymous June 4, 2017 6:02 pm

    You guys realize sexual position is not everything? And this is kinda disrespectful???
    This is a serious story, not typical fanservice yaoi, where there's only important the moment they fuck and the rest of it has the same plot as majority of yaoi.
    And - not every story is mean for every fan.

    Also this change in position is kinda important - Niichan always wanted to be dominant, that's why he abused Yui before, and now he's more emotionally dependent on Yui so he's letting go of his dominant and abusive side and letting Yui take the lead.
    Don't read serious authors if you are only into stereotypical characters.

    manganiME June 4, 2017 7:52 pm
    i dont agree with you. they are both guys, and sexual positions should not change how you view their masculinity. I mean if your boyfriend would ask you to, dunno, finger him or something, are you going to star... murksiuke

    If my guy wanted me to strap on a dildo and do him, he'd no longer be my guy two seconds later. Yep. He can want that and that's fine. I can NOT want that and that's fine. We don't all want teh same things.

    PrinceVegeta June 4, 2017 8:00 pm

    Haha guys, take it easy :D What we want in stories and what we want in real life doesn't mix that much. I get you, the first time Yui fucked niichan I was sooo against it. But in the extra, I just so enjoyed seeing him bottoming, so defenseless with his legs in the air. Just damn, didn't even care about Yui being there xD

    Love-stage June 4, 2017 8:03 pm
    Dont worry we've still got Asami Ryuichi, the coolest snd best seme we've ever got @Anonymous

    Bless u

    :^) June 5, 2017 12:55 am

    Why are you like this

    XXX June 5, 2017 5:20 am

    Hey, not me. I actually prefer Nii-chan to bottom. The other way is nahh...

    murksiuke June 5, 2017 8:58 am
    If my guy wanted me to strap on a dildo and do him, he'd no longer be my guy two seconds later. Yep. He can want that and that's fine. I can NOT want that and that's fine. We don't all want teh same things. manganiME

    Im not saying you have to like what he likes, just that his kinks/likes do not affect his masculinity

    manganiME June 5, 2017 5:16 pm
    Im not saying you have to like what he likes, just that his kinks/likes do not affect his masculinity murksiuke

    Actually, it might in some people's eyes. And they have a right to that opinion. If a person has a specific idea of what is masculine, then violating that lessens the opinion of their masculinity (femininity, etc).

    murksiuke June 5, 2017 5:41 pm
    Actually, it might in some people's eyes. And they have a right to that opinion. If a person has a specific idea of what is masculine, then violating that lessens the opinion of their masculinity (femininity, e... manganiME

    I dont really agree with you, i think its weird and unfair to judge people by what they like in bed, but you are entitled to your opinion. *shrugs*

    manganiME June 5, 2017 5:49 pm
    I dont really agree with you, i think its weird and unfair to judge people by what they like in bed, but you are entitled to your opinion. *shrugs* murksiuke

    No, it is not unfair. Masculinity and femininity are, as we are often told, societal constructs--they are subjective, not objective. If it's subjective, then someone may decide their own idea of what is masculine and what is feminine. Unless you are the standard-creator authority, you don't get to decide what is masculine or feminine for someone else. Only what is that to YOU. So, if I have my own idea of what is masculine and someone violates that, I will consider them "less masculine", ditto feminine. That has no bearing on the person . They could be a great human being. But I still may say, "Yeah, I don't see that person as very feminine."

    manganiME June 5, 2017 5:51 pm
    I dont really agree with you, i think its weird and unfair to judge people by what they like in bed, but you are entitled to your opinion. *shrugs* murksiuke

    And I suspect we all judge people by what they do in bed to some degree. If someone is into scat, you think that's fine? If someone likes to poop in diapers and be changed by their lover, you still think of them the same as when you didn't know that? If someone likes to screw corpses or make people bleed in bed, you don't change your view of them in some way?

    What people do in bed can affect our opinion of them--positively (we think it's cool, admire it) or negatively (we think it's freaky or fucked up). In general, I don't care and it won't affect my opinion unless it's extreme. THeir business. But if it's in my bed, I get to call the shots on what I will admire or find disgusting. That's my call. And that WILL affect my opinion of my partner.

    I once dumped a guy cause he wanted a threesome. Guess what? I don't do that. I"m utterly a monogamous type. So, clearly, he was NOT for me.

    murksiuke June 5, 2017 8:12 pm
    And I suspect we all judge people by what they do in bed to some degree. If someone is into scat, you think that's fine? If someone likes to poop in diapers and be changed by their lover, you still think of the... manganiME

    Do i think some kinks are weird? Sure.
    How does that affect my opinion about them? I will think they have weird kinks.
    Would i dump a partner for liking something i couldnt imagine myself liking? I would talk to them, and if the kink was important to them, "a must" for their sexual pleasure, then i think we would mutually agree to break up.
    And thats fine.
    If its something thats not safe, sane or consensual, i would advise seeking professional help.
    (to be fair, i do not count them in amongst kinks, because i do not see necrophilia and etc as a sexual kinks but rather a mental problem, but that might be my mistake)
    Would i see them less masculine for having a weird kink? I do not think so (again, talking about SS&C)
    Can you have a different opinion? sure.
    Do i have to agree with yours? no.

    manganiME June 5, 2017 8:33 pm
    Do i think some kinks are weird? Sure. How does that affect my opinion about them? I will think they have weird kinks. Would i dump a partner for liking something i couldnt imagine myself liking? I would talk t... murksiuke

    Exactly. But you judged my opinion as "unfair." I'm saying it's different, not unfair. It's totally fair for me to construct my ideas of what violates notions of femininity and masculinity. It's totally fair for you to construct your own. If my notion of masculinity is breeched by certain sexual kinks, then that's MY definition being violated, not yours. And that's not unfair. That's simply individual opinion.

    manganiME June 5, 2017 8:34 pm
    Do i think some kinks are weird? Sure. How does that affect my opinion about them? I will think they have weird kinks. Would i dump a partner for liking something i couldnt imagine myself liking? I would talk t... murksiuke

    Make that "breached"

    murksiuke June 6, 2017 2:42 pm
    Exactly. But you judged my opinion as "unfair." I'm saying it's different, not unfair. It's totally fair for me to construct my ideas of what violates notions of femininity and masculinity. It's totally fair fo... manganiME

    Is that what you had the problem with? The hell, so you can say judge a person on their kinks, but i cant judge your opinion as unfair? I already see we have very different understandings what some words mean (probably due to language barriers) , but jeez, if i say "i think its unfair" then thats my opinion, and by it i do not mean "you are definitely wrong about this" i mean "in my code of ethics/morality/something, your opinion is wrong, but i cannot tell you what to think". Its fair for you to disagree with me, but i can think your opinion is unfair even if you do not agree with me