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I don't think so

Cyrano June 9, 2017 10:38 pm

She didn't die, she got reborn, this is a very Asian buddhist story set in a post first worldwar-European set. She decided to die together with the poor woonded Albrecht, out of love; and as a reward, both of them reincarnate as healthy children, and to top, so does her real brother, who probably died of malnutrition.
that's what I make of it. This isn't really a realistic story, you know... still, I like it a lot. Beautiful mood, beautiful art. It doesn't always need to be big eyes and sentimental love, does it?

    dudewhatlmao February 24, 2024 7:19 am

    as a buddhist, i don't think it's a story about reincarnation. it's more like they wake up in heavy as bright, youthful souls and rejoin bridget's bio brother. more than anything, it's a story of found family and familial bonds with a bittersweet ending.

    Cyrano March 8, 2024 10:13 pm

    My, that's a reply to a post of mine from 7 years ago. I had to go look for what it was about again. But it was a very good manga, like they don't make them anymore today, do they? Both for the art as the script. I miss when the Japanese made manga like this...

    dudewhatlmao March 9, 2024 1:12 am
    My, that's a reply to a post of mine from 7 years ago. I had to go look for what it was about again. But it was a very good manga, like they don't make them anymore today, do they? Both for the art as the scri... Cyrano

    oh yeah, this story is definitely one of a kind

    Cyrano March 23, 2024 10:46 pm
    oh yeah, this story is definitely one of a kind dudewhatlmao

    And it's all drawn manually on paper. No AI or digital art programs whatsoever. Real art.

    dudewhatlmao March 23, 2024 11:19 pm
    And it's all drawn manually on paper. No AI or digital art programs whatsoever. Real art. Cyrano

    i disagree with the grouping of digital art with AI and the insinuation that digital art is somehow not real art, but i agree with your overall sentiment. traditional art is amazing.

    Cyrano March 25, 2024 4:01 pm
    i disagree with the grouping of digital art with AI and the insinuation that digital art is somehow not real art, but i agree with your overall sentiment. traditional art is amazing. dudewhatlmao

    You assume too much! Saying that it has no AI nor digital art isn't saying either is wrong... AI isn't real, but of course digital art is real art. I never pretended that, did I?
    There's no difference in value between traditional art and digital art, there is however a degree in hard labor in traditional art. That was all I wanted to emphasize.