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You know what, fuck them. Fuck every one of them. Yes, they met up again and life seems t...

akuma_river June 10, 2017 10:41 am

You know what, fuck them. Fuck every one of them.

Yes, they met up again and life seems to be better. But he was fucking homeless! He was a kid and he was homeless. He nearly died how many times?

This is just so fucked up. All because these judgmental assholes thought he was a bad kid when he's a really good person who just won't defend himself from the evil bastards' accusations because he's a precious cinnamon roll who deserves to be loved and cherished instead of treated like trash!

So fuck all of you assholes (in the manga). Except Sayama. He's the only one I like.

    SluttySemi June 10, 2017 12:36 pm

    that's exactly how life is. if they already have an opinion of you, no amount of words will sway them. they only feel a slight bit of guilt when other ppl won't join in their trash talk

    akuma_river June 11, 2017 12:14 am
    that's exactly how life is. if they already have an opinion of you, no amount of words will sway them. they only feel a slight bit of guilt when other ppl won't join in their trash talk SluttySemi


    But I would think that at least there would be a homeless shelter for kids. Some program to help them get an equivalent of a GED. Something to help him.

    I know in the states we got things like that. Shelters for homeless queer kids kicked out by their families. Special shelters for teens to protect them from predators. Programs to help them graduate and get into job training. Usually only in the big cities, but they exist and help thousands of kids every year.

    It just seems so fucking tragic that no one except Sayama ever gave a damn about this kid.

    And his teachers are the worst. They knew he was an orphan living alone and they never did shit to help him stay in school or get his diploma so he could go on to college or training or anything. They didn't care when he dropped out and disappeared. He could have died and they would have felt nothing.

    I'm just so pissed off.

    modragon June 11, 2017 4:06 am
    Maybe.But I would think that at least there would be a homeless shelter for kids. Some program to help them get an equivalent of a GED. Something to help him.I know in the states we got things like that. Shelte... akuma_river

    While it is true, in the states in SOME areas there are options, in some there were there are none. You also have to take into account if he wouod A) accept the help and B) if it would be a help. If hes younger the shelter would be required to turn him over to the state (whether they do or not is their business ) and the state would put him in a foster home or worse group home.

    Where he would share a room with anywhere from 2 to 10 other children who maybe like him or maybe exactly what people expect. Also you get booted at 18 from the home so it would be a short help.
    And it actually costs money to get a GED. You have to attend a program and pass a set of tests. It took my brother 4 months to get his and my gran paid for everything. People are hesitant to hire someone with no references or even an address. Even in the US situations can be as bad or worse than his.

    I really understand your fustration, in the real world there isn't a nice boy in love with you with convienant timing and a spare room. And even in 1st world countries there isn't as much aid as is needed, it can make you feeling pretty helpless but, at least in this case you can at least know Kawashima has a better future to work for.

    SluttySemi June 11, 2017 9:03 am
    While it is true, in the states in SOME areas there are options, in some there were there are none. You also have to take into account if he wouod A) accept the help and B) if it would be a help. If hes younger... modragon

    that's what i'm saying. the majority of the shelters and homeless programs provide select support. a lot of them only aid women & children. there's just so much technical stuff that trumps over just helping a fellow human being. my fam and i were homeless for a while and we couldn't receive aid because my mom and dad were still married & they didn't help grown men get back on their feet. it's hard to find places that just want to help you.

    modragon June 11, 2017 7:16 pm
    that's what i'm saying. the majority of the shelters and homeless programs provide select support. a lot of them only aid women & children. there's just so much technical stuff that trumps over just helping... SluttySemi

    I find in the US ( at least in the southern states which are the ones Im the most familiar with) there is this social expectation. 1) they feel you don't deserve help without some tragic event to back it and 2) they feel that kind of thing should be left to the community which really means 'the church'.

    So if you are not particularly religious or are not really a part of a church, (and even then you're back to issue #1) you suddenly find there is a distinct lack of support. The government is very very limited both Federal and State and again is run by people with typically the same social views as the community they represent.

    Living in the south Ive found a very negative and nearly hostile attitude toward expanding aid programs. They don't even want the ones we have like welfare, and food stamps, suggesting anything additional just seems to get people really angry. Its tough trying to get back on your feet in a society with a "Why should I help You?! Stop being Lazy!" Mindset. They have never been there and they just assume that they know all about it.

    It even shows up in people who have been there! My family was always poor. We were really lucky but we have been in really shit times nearly starving times and my father being a proud man, wouldn't apply for food stamps because of some ingrained belief that it would.make him "one of those people". Its fustrating and stupid. There is nothing wrong with helping people or being helped.

    SluttySemi June 11, 2017 11:12 pm
    I find in the US ( at least in the southern states which are the ones Im the most familiar with) there is this social expectation. 1) they feel you don't deserve help without some tragic event to back it and 2)... modragon

    This! You hit it right on the head! I live in the south too & i can 100000% agree with what you're saying.

    modragon June 12, 2017 2:27 am
    This! You hit it right on the head! I live in the south too & i can 100000% agree with what you're saying. SluttySemi

    What!! ヾ(☆▽☆) hello neighbor!

    Well then you know that while our 'southern hospitality' is real, it also comes with terms, conditions and an expiration date. I love my home turf but... it needs some work.

    SluttySemi June 12, 2017 2:40 am
    What!! ヾ(☆▽☆) hello neighbor! Well then you know that while our 'southern hospitality' is real, it also comes with terms, conditions and an expiration date. I love my home turf but... it needs some wo... modragon

    lol hello!

    You know what (some) of them say, if you really love some thing/one you have to call them out for what it is. Because we know it best, we can talk about the areas of improvement.

    modragon June 12, 2017 12:26 pm
    lol hello!You know what (some) of them say, if you really love some thing/one you have to call them out for what it is. Because we know it best, we can talk about the areas of improvement. SluttySemi

    So many areas of improvement. The first would probably be our school systems, I feel if we started there that would solve a lot of other issues on its own.

    SluttySemi June 12, 2017 4:55 pm
    So many areas of improvement. The first would probably be our school systems, I feel if we started there that would solve a lot of other issues on its own. modragon

    Yes, the school system is so messed up. I don't know how i'm going to do it, but humanities needs to be apart of the curriculum in high school. Growing teens need to understand and what humility means before they pursue jobs that involve human interaction with those that may differ from them. I don't even understand why it's optional in college.

    akuma_river June 12, 2017 9:57 pm
    Yes, the school system is so messed up. I don't know how i'm going to do it, but humanities needs to be apart of the curriculum in high school. Growing teens need to understand and what humility means before th... SluttySemi

    Kansas learned their lesson. Brown's grand plan has been devastating and now they are going progressive. There is a surge of moderate Republicans and Democrats who are working together to fix what Brown messed up.

    Meanwhile the GOTP is trying to replicate Brown's grand plan on a national level via Ryan and McConnell. But they are so corrupt and involved in TrumpRussia that they are going down. So as long as we hold off the TrumpCare which is going up for vote on June 30 I think we can win on keeping ACA (but 45* etc are actively sabotaging it), Medicare, Medicaid, SS, etc.

    As for the school systems...DeVos is just wrecking everything. Allowing discrimination (not just against LGBTQ students) but she didn't even say if she supports special needs programs for Autistic kids and so forth. But what do expect from Erik Prince's (Blackwater) sister?

    45* getting power has also shown desperately Ethics and studying the Constitution and Law is needed in our schools. Not the short stuff to pass the test stuff but deep studies in high school like what we see in college.

    0rangeSm00thie June 13, 2017 8:01 am
    Yes, the school system is so messed up. I don't know how i'm going to do it, but humanities needs to be apart of the curriculum in high school. Growing teens need to understand and what humility means before th... SluttySemi

    Okay I live in the north so please don't judge me for saying this but.....the south part is just weird.

    SluttySemi June 13, 2017 6:21 pm
    Okay I live in the north so please don't judge me for saying this but.....the south part is just weird. 0rangeSm00thie

    No, you're completely fine! A large part of the south is completely conservative, so select parts (ie: under privileged areas) don't receive any help at all. & where I live (TN) the only attraction is beale street---but shootings are always happening there. & a there's baseball field & fedex forum is in the same area-- but why go to events where you could possibly get shot by some drunk wondering around, right? & Plus there's no job opportunities here so more money is taken out of the city than put in.

    SluttySemi June 13, 2017 6:31 pm
    Kansas learned their lesson. Brown's grand plan has been devastating and now they are going progressive. There is a surge of moderate Republicans and Democrats who are working together to fix what Brown messed ... akuma_river

    I'm so glad that some of y'all are trying to get your shit together lol---but they're involved in the trump fiasco??? Eww that's one position I wouldn't want to be put in.

    & honestly Idk how DeVos even sleeps at night. Unlike her, karma doesn't discriminate-- & it's coming for her. I promise you here that I'm going to to start some time of schooling program (that will be based around the arts--because that's my major) & these things will be taught in addition to art courses. Kids need to know how to handle their personal & how to handle money when operating a business. They need to know, be aware of, and respect the countless cultures that thrive in and out of the US. I'm telling way to many of my ideas---but there needs to be more than one program doing this so if this sparks an idea in anyone, PLEASE CREATE THE PROGRAM!

    modragon June 14, 2017 3:52 am
    No, you're completely fine! A large part of the south is completely conservative, so select parts (ie: under privileged areas) don't receive any help at all. & where I live (TN) the only attraction is beale... SluttySemi

    Id like to leap in for a second for our defense. I meant at the start that I was most familiar with the south but I wasn't seperating it completely. What I mean to say is, I don't necessarily feel the north has it all put together either, there ways are different but they have some of the same problems. And then some we don't have.

    Strange as it is to say, while programs and systematic aid is shunned down here, statistically you are more likely to receive assistance on an individual basis in the south. What I mean by that is, if your car breaks down you are more likely to have someone stop to help. If you try to talk to a stranger your more likely to end up in an actual conversation. Southern people are statistically friendlier. There was actually a study that found that we smile more. If disaster strikes we suddenly become super giving and supportive.
    We also party more for less. At least my state does. We ALWAYS have an effing party going on FOR NOTHING. I don't mean movie parties I mean carnival festival style events. Huge shindigs with costumes and cookouts and dancing and of course drinking. (We still have pig chasing events.)
    And while most southern states are slapped with the red state brand, its not really what it seems. I think a phrase a teacher of mine used once works best "We may hate you, but we will live next door. Yankees pretend they like you and quietly buy you out of the neighborhood."
    I am from LA, (Cajun country baby) Its diverse here. I moved to a town with 2 main streets total and nearly every couple is biracial. Our priest is hispanic, our last governer was Indian, our current Govs a Democrat, New orleans is gay central, (and oh god are we proud of it), we have strong bilingual communities, Even out in my tiny town with our 2 streets, we have a hindu temple, its right between two sugar cane fields off a dirt road and its bustling.
    My gran used to talk about her first teaching job, which was in fact at William Frantz elementary in N.O. only about 4 years after Ruby bridges first attended.
    She said it was like nothing had happened. All the kids played together, taught each other new games. They were young and didn't care, she has photos she took of 2 little African american girls teaching "kung fu" to the other girls, both black and white alike.
    Red State does not really mean we are all in agreement, we are a democracy, we are a collection of individuals and if America could just remember that and stop trying to shove everyone onto "sides" we could get this nation back on track. Get the gopt back on track. We need to be one nation of many minds. An us, not a them.

    0rangeSm00thie June 14, 2017 4:36 am
    Id like to leap in for a second for our defense. I meant at the start that I was most familiar with the south but I wasn't seperating it completely. What I mean to say is, I don't necessarily feel the north has... modragon

    Yeah I will agree with the things you said. No argument here.