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Manga found!

Naïve Drifter June 12, 2017 1:24 am

Hey hey! To that person who was looking for the plot of the yaoi story that involved twins (that were abused by their parents and comforted each other through romantic relationship), a guy (who stuffered a trauma from watching his friend fall off the balcony and believed himself a murder, grew up to be architecture that are inspired by a bird "kingfisher" a tribute for that friend and all the building he designed were grave for the friend that died), a fellow classmate (student counsel-dorm keeper to cover them) gave the twins 13 rings as symbol of death and when they use them all up then death will come for them (twin and guy stuffer thoughts of suicide) twins pass on the leftover rings to guy and promised him when he uses the rest they'll die together with him.
Phew I'll repost this later in case they don't see this. (Ps. I apologize for posting this if you already found it. It also bugged the shit out of me that I knew it but forgot the name at that time.)

Oh dear me I forgot to add the link.

    bookmunchies June 11, 2017 10:22 am

    Damn, now I wanna know what manga that is.