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hehe June 12, 2017 9:40 pm

I liked it until the recent chapters. Everything revolves around sex, it was enjoyable in the beginning but now there's too much sex. Can we really call Taebong and Jang-mi a couple ? They love sex, okay, they love to have sex with each other, okay, so it make them a thing but is it enough to make them in a relationship?

The only thing they have in common is sex and nothing else. Jang-Mi wanted someone really good at it and Taebong was "perfect" while he wanted her for her body and mainly for the lust he felt towards her, I never saw love there. Lust and only lust.

They're not made for each other and are even less made to be with only one person.
Taebong slept with a lot of girls to be the best and Jang-Mi always met her own sexual needs without any complex, which made me like her in the beginning.
The whole story is a perpetual search of sexual pleasure.
Now that they're "together" it kills the story. It feels dull and fake. They've suddenly tamed each other, behave like a couple, which made the whole situation ridiculous given their personnality and the current events to make the story go on: the apparition of the former best friend (of Taebong and Jang-Mi/Miro) who had a thing for her.

It doesn't make sense to make a rival appear out of nowhere to threaten their relationship-only-based-on sex.
It shojo-lizes the story in a dumb way.

Besides, the author made Taebong a god of sex in every chapters, every girl wants him and Miro/Jang-Mi was a slave of her own pleasure. So why did the author feel the need to comform them to the traditional figure of a "couple" when they were above everything until now?

H-mate doesn't make sense at all, it never did actually. It revolved around sex the whole time to, now, try to focus on "feelings" that I can't see (probably hidden in their genitals).

If Jang-Mi/Miro and Taebong had to be a couple it won't be a traditional one.
( ̄へ ̄)

    Silver June 13, 2017 7:37 pm

    me too, Until chaper 80 I still like it. But for now....