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xx=female xy=male source:real world

Attack Helicopter June 13, 2017 7:41 am

source:real world

    Nanahoo June 13, 2017 10:26 am

    you are stupid
    source: real world

    H~H June 13, 2017 11:31 am
    you are stupid source: real world Nanahoo

    source: real world

    dick2bomb June 13, 2017 9:10 pm

    op is incorrect. science tells us that despite having a certain set of chromosomes, bodies do not always have genitals to match. therefore, determining what gender a person is cannot be done through chromosomes or by physical traits. it is what the person identifies as. (and if you were to determine everything by chromosomes you wouldnt be able to take into account people with chromosomes differing from the two you listed. chromosomes can be more than just xx and xy.)

    Attack Helicopter June 14, 2017 2:56 am
    op is incorrect. science tells us that despite having a certain set of chromosomes, bodies do not always have genitals to match. therefore, determining what gender a person is cannot be done through chromosomes... dick2bomb

    What science my friend?Liberal political science?Made in liberal universities?The very same studies get different results if you take PC out of the way.The brain is what is social construct having no difference between male/female brain and not sex.Ppl aren't born genderless y'know?And intersex condition is really rare and you probably never met one IRL but i love seeing you ppl talk as if intersex was common.99% of ppl are xx/xy BTW.

    dick2bomb June 14, 2017 3:22 am
    What science my friend?Liberal political science?Made in liberal universities?The very same studies get different results if you take PC out of the way.The brain is what is social construct having no difference... @Attack Helicopter

    "The brain is what is social construct having no difference between male/female brain and not sex". I'm like, genuinely baffled by your stupidity. This doesn't even make sense. It's like you just threw some words you knew together and ran with it. Also, yes. People are born genderless. Gender is a societal construct and sex is a biological one. Your biological sex is used by doctors when determining what doses of medication you need and how your body needs to be provided for. Gender is determined by an individual. Honestly though you don't care what kind of explanation I'm providing you with because you just want to be a transphobic piece of garbage and claim to know shit when you don't. If you want to educate yourself here is a link to actual statistics on intersex births and how common chromosomal and physical variations are instead of making people look at the bullshit you just pulled from your ass.

    Attack Helicopter June 14, 2017 3:46 am
    "The brain is what is social construct having no difference between male/female brain and not sex". I'm like, genuinely baffled by your stupidity. This doesn't even make sense. It's like you just threw some wor... dick2bomb

    You gave a link which affirms what i've just said about intersex being rare and most conditions are below 1%(one in/1666, 1000, 130000, 1300, etc.)Do you know math buddy?All of those are below than 1%.The brain focus to what's important to an individual.ex:If a kid lives in a war torn country and can die at any second or in poor country and starves at daily basis, instead its brain focus will be about survival rather than if the said kid is worried about fitting gender roles.The brain focus to what is important or necessary to its user in a society and not sexed.Also, although gender have the meaning about feminine/masculine, another of its meanings is sex related.Words don't change meanings but may get newer ones.That's why some words have many terminologies instead just one.

    H~H June 14, 2017 3:54 am

    Chill's just.... science....all unpredictable..

    dick2bomb June 14, 2017 4:03 am
    You gave a link which affirms what i've just said about intersex being rare and most conditions are below 1%(one in/1666, 1000, 130000, 1300, etc.)Do you know math buddy?All of those are below than 1%.The brain... @Attack Helicopter

    The likelihood of being born intersex is 1.7% which is the same likelihood of someone being born with red hair. You just don't realize how many people that actually is. Also, I don't know what kind of educational background you have in any of the subjects you are talking about but mine is in science and English and I can tell you with 100% certainty that you are full of shit. The human brain is a complex organ that can process a multitude of traits. One concept doesn't just override another. A person living in a war zone can still think about their gender identity. And in terms of words changing meanings, you are very ill informed. Language is fluid. Words are always changing their meanings. What a person considers the meaning of a word one day can and does go out of style the next. For example, the word "boner" used to mean a mistake but today's definition is a lot more sexual. Dictionaries are constantly updating terminologies to suit what definitions of words are being used in the mainstream.

    Attack Helicopter June 14, 2017 4:38 am
    The likelihood of being born intersex is 1.7% which is the same likelihood of someone being born with red hair. You just don't realize how many people that actually is. Also, I don't know what kind of education... dick2bomb

    Math really is not your forte is it?Just two conditions are 1% or above.Yes, if you're running for your life you would be likely worried if you're running like a boy or a girl.What you've said about words is about one meaning get more notorious than another and sex to this day is still related to gender whether you like it or not.I like how you PC liberals love reconstruct basis concepts like biology or math in your case to suit yourself.

    Anonymous June 14, 2017 4:49 am
    The likelihood of being born intersex is 1.7% which is the same likelihood of someone being born with red hair. You just don't realize how many people that actually is. Also, I don't know what kind of education... dick2bomb

    my sister has red hair

    dick2bomb June 14, 2017 4:59 am
    Math really is not your forte is it?Just two conditions are 1% or above.Yes, if you're running for your life you would be likely worried if you're running like a boy or a girl.What you've said about words is ab... @Attack Helicopter

    The problem with your math is that you look at that list and you don't know how many variations of intersex situations there are. You are seeing each one as less than a 1% instead of seeing how these variations add up to the 1.7%.
    Here is another link that can explain to you why your math is off:
    To be honest, a lot of what you are saying makes little to no sense and all of your sentences are filled with spelling and grammatical errors. Both math and English really aren't your forte are they? Actually, I don't think we've hit a subject yet that is your forte except for maybe bullshitting responses and rambling about "PC liberals".

    dick2bomb June 14, 2017 5:03 am
    my sister has red hair @Anonymous

    Your sister's hair color is statistically on par with the statistics for intersex persons. While red heads and intersex people are a small percentage of the population, they are more common than we believe. : ) I'm sure her hair is lovely.

    Attack Helicopter June 14, 2017 5:42 am
    The problem with your math is that you look at that list and you don't know how many variations of intersex situations there are. You are seeing each one as less than a 1% instead of seeing how these variations... dick2bomb

    Don't play dumb my friend.I don't talk chinese, or do i?Maybe irony is not your forte either.The issue with you PC people that you always bring intersex in the table of talk even though most of you never met one.The redhead example is poor cus you're comparing the general rate of ppl to an ethnic which in the case is usually european. That's why in ireland you may find lots and in china, none?Also, most intersex ppl are mainly male or female with just hormonal disbalance and rare are the cases which they are born with undeveloped genitalia of opposite sex which usually is corrected at young age.Stop comparing trans and intersex cus they're hardly alike to suit yourself.Many intersex ppl report disliking being associated with transgenders and not considering themselves ones.And if you don't get it again, i'm sorry about my chinese writing.Maybe i should write english so you would understand then.

    dick2bomb June 14, 2017 7:46 pm
    Don't play dumb my friend.I don't talk chinese, or do i?Maybe irony is not your forte either.The issue with you PC people that you always bring intersex in the table of talk even though most of you never met on... @Attack Helicopter

    D- Keep trying though. Your English is poor but you almost made sense. The red head example is justified by the fact that it is something that can be genetically transferred or chromosomal. The only difference between the two examples is that one is external and clearly visible and the other is not something you can see or that someone will just come out and tell you. You wouldn't even know how many intersex people you've met because that's just not something people talk about. Also, the only reason I had to bring up intersex persons was because you are using some bullshit reasoning surrounding chromosomes to deny the existence of trans individuals. You might as well have just commented "I hate trans people" and we could have ended it right there.

    Attack Helicopter June 14, 2017 9:09 pm
    D- Keep trying though. Your English is poor but you almost made sense. The red head example is justified by the fact that it is something that can be genetically transferred or chromosomal. The only difference ... dick2bomb

    Sorry about my chinese pal.And yes, the world is flooding with intersex ppl.I can see them everywhere.Comparing redheads with intersex is you playing dumb again.I don't hate trans buddy, men can be the most feminine they can get and the same goes for women about masculinity.Just don't call you're of opposite sex in the end of day and demand your fav pronouns and we're good.Gotcha?Sorry about my chinese again.I really need learn to write english...

    dick2bomb June 15, 2017 6:13 am

    I've decided to just edit whatever reply you provide because everything you say is so garbled. It's like you put words through a blender and spat them out into this thread.
    "Sorry about my [C](Capitalize here.) hinese (Insert comma here because you are addressing someone) [,] pal. (Space here.) And [,] (Comma here.) yes, the world is flooding with intersex ppl. (Space here.) I can see them everywhere. (Space here. Also I just mentioned the difference in physical traits and ones that aren't visible, so this is bad logic. Recommend revising.) Comparing redheads with intersex (insert the word "people" or "persons" after "intersex". Intersex is an adjective, so you can't just use it as a noun. It's demeaning to intersex persons.) is you playing dumb again. (Space here.) I don't hate trans (Again, "trans" is an adjective. You shouldn't refer to them as trans but as trans individuals or people/persons. Also insert comma here as you are addressing me.) [,] buddy[.] (Run on sentence. Insert period and start new sentence here.) [M]en can be the most feminine they can get and the same goes for women about masculinity (This point has no relevancy on our discussion. Recommend revising.). (Space here.) Just don't call you're of opposite sex (How did you look at this sentence and think it made any sense, like holy shit.) in (you mean "at") the end of [the] day and demand your fav pronouns and we're good. (Space here.) Gotcha? (I think you mean "Got it?" but I don't get it because your sentences are incomprehensible. It's like watching a child try and form coherent thoughts.) Sorry about my [C] (Capitalize here again.) hinese again. (Space here.) I really need learn to write [E] (Another capitalization error) glish..." (You really do.)

    Nanahoo June 15, 2017 9:30 am

    just a question at Attack helicopter: If a person is born a man and went through a succesfully operation to become a women and now has the Primary sex trait and the secondary sex trait of a woman, would you still say she is a man? just because their chromosones are xy

    Nanahoo June 15, 2017 9:37 am
    Sorry about my chinese pal.And yes, the world is flooding with intersex ppl.I can see them everywhere.Comparing redheads with intersex is you playing dumb again.I don't hate trans buddy, men can be the most fem... @Attack Helicopter

    why are you so against ppl calling themselve what they believe they are? You can't look into their head, who do you think you are to decide for others what they are?? In which way is it offending to you ? And in what way does it trouble you to say sh instead of he ? I seriously think you have a problem with your own gender which makes you hate on ppl who can be true to themselves and be open about it. This is called Psychological projection after freud, just for your information, maybe you want to look it up and see if you can do something about your surpressed desires.

    Attack Helicopter June 15, 2017 10:25 am
    just a question at Attack helicopter: If a person is born a man and went through a succesfully operation to become a women and now has the Primary sex trait and the secondary sex trait of a woman, would you sti... Nanahoo

    You can take reference in my talk with dick2bomb.I don't know if he/she blocked me, or this manga thread bugged for me when i tried comment before, or if my comments are waiting moderation.BTW, don't look up at Freud.His penis envy theory is sexist and lesbophobic.

    Nanahoo June 15, 2017 2:30 pm
    You can take reference in my talk with dick2bomb.I don't know if he/she blocked me, or this manga thread bugged for me when i tried comment before, or if my comments are waiting moderation.BTW, don't look up at... @Attack Helicopter

    just because there are some bad/wrong points in libido development theorie, doesn't mean every other theorie from his is wrong, too. His defense mechanisms have many true traits. And you didn't answer in any way to my theorie, which shows that your anti gender shit can't be backed up. Why do you care so much what others call themselves