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Have I missed something???

Suggababi June 13, 2017 10:11 pm

Seeing post about chicken boy chasing "can't keep her legs closed" wife... Why would he need to chase what's given so freely. VERY VERY FREELY!! Always was in wife side til she pulled this mess last chapter. HaJin better watch his back this broad way shader than I thought! Like she went from adultery to instigating the murder of her side piece...WOW!! So no I don't think he's wrong for being angry! Hell, most of us has fallen for someone we should have run away from-so don't ACT like you don't know!!! But how many of us ended up kidnapped and then almost force feed some dude Mr. Dangle?? Just saying...

    UnwantedHero June 14, 2017 4:46 am

    I'm happy that someone isn't drinking the BS kool-aid around here. They seem to forget that this lady willingly slept with him multiple times, got this boy all twisted up and then almost got him forced to suck some nasty dude's knob. People who feel otherwise can miss me with that BS. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍